1. Feed catfish larvae with newly hatched nauplii of the brine shrimp or Artemia at 10 individuals per mL twice a day
2. Feed with the cladoceran Moina/Daphnia if available at 5-10 individuals/mL for another 4 days; otherwise, continue feeding Artemia nauplii
3. Start feeding the larvae with formulated diet in the morning on day 10; give natural food organisms in the afternoon
4. Siphon dead eggs, larvae or excess feed daily at the tank bottom before replenishing the rearing water and feeding the larvae
5. Keep the water level at 10-15 cm in depth to allow the larvae to gulp air at the water surface
6. Provide mild aeration to ensure oxygen supply to the larvae
7. Change about 30% of the water in the larval rearing tanks daily