Shares of ownership of a company listed in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE)
Stock market
The collection of markets and exchanges where regular activities of buying, selling, and issuance of shares of publicly-held companies take place
Types of stocks available in the Philippine market
Common stock
Preferred stock
Cumulative preferred stock
Convertible preferred stock
Common stock
Entitles the owner to vote at shareholders' meetings and to receive any dividends paid out by the corporation
Purchased for participation in the profits and control of ownership and management of the company
Classification of common stocks
Class A (exclusively traded by Filipino investors)
Class B (traded by both Filipino and foreign investors)
Preferred stocks
Another type of security that gives the holder a claim on the company's earnings and assets before common stockholders
Payment made by a company out of its earnings to investors in the form of a check or electronic transfer
Cash dividend
Dividends paid in cash
Stock dividend
Dividends paid in the form of additional shares of stock
Common stock
Security usually purchased for participation in the profits and control of ownership and management of the company
Common stockholder
Exercises control through voting rights during annual or special stockholders' meetings
Can only claim rights to the company's assets and earnings when preferred shareholders are already paid in full
Common stocks
Also known as "ordinary shares"
Classification of common shares
Class A (exclusively traded by Filipino investors)
Class B (can be bought and sold by both Filipino and foreign investors)
Both Class A and Class B common shares have the same privilege and receive the same amount of dividends
Preferred stocks
Another type of securities issued by corporations
Holders are entitled to receive a fixed minimum amount of dividends (expressed either in pesos or as a percentage of the stock's par value), to the extent declared by the company's Board and if there are sufficient retained earnings before any dividends are paid to the holders of common stocks
Cumulative preferred stocks
Special preferred stocks that accumulate unpaid dividends for future payment
Have prior rights to dividends over common stock
Convertible preferred stocks
Preferred stocks that are exchangeable into common stocks at the option of the holder under specified terms and conditions
Periodic payments made by the company to its shareholders from its current and past profits
Types of dividends
Cash dividend (payment made by a company out of its earnings to investors in the form of cash)
Stock dividend (dividend given to shareholders in the form of additional stocks, instead of cash)
Capital gains
Profit earned on the sale of an asset that has increased in value over the holding period
Capital gains result from capital appreciation or an increase in the market value of the stock
Stock certificates are a written evidence of ownership
The Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) is where different types of stocks can be bought and sold
Stockholders make money through returns of dividends or capital gains