
Cards (64)

  • Heart is located in mediastinum.
  • Right side - pulmonary circulation
  • Left side - systemic circulation
  • pulmonary artery carries deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs
  • pulmonary veins carry O2 blood to LA.
  • interventricular septum divides the heart into left and right sides.
  • thick-walled ventricles pump blood out of the heart
  • thin walled atria receive CO2 blood from the body and pumps blood into RV.
  • Atrioventricular valve is located in the entrance of ventricle.
  • semilunar valve is found in the exit of ventricles
  • tricuspid valve is between RA and RV
  • mitral/bicuspid valve is between LA and LV
  • Chordae Tendineae: collagen fibers that anchor AV valves
  • layers of the heart:
    • epicardium
    • myocardium
    • endocardium
  • Sinoatrial (SA) node “pacemaker”: posterior wall of RA. generates impulses (60-100bpm) that are conducted over atria
  • P wave: depolarization of atria, atria contracts. ventricles relax
  • QRS complex: depolarization of ventricles (ventricular contraction, pressure increases)
  • T wave: ventricular repolarization (ventricles relax= ventricular pressure drop) 
  • S1 “lub”: AV valve closure. best heard at apex of the heart
  • S2 “dub”: Semilunar valve closure, best heard at base of the heart
  • heart sound is produced by the closure of AV and semilunar valves.
  • Murmurs: turbulent blood flow, “swishing”/”blowing” sound over the precordium. 
  • preload: degree of stretch of heart muscle before contraction.  (greater preload, greater SV)
  • afterload: pressure against which heart muscle has to eject blood during contraction. (increased afterload, decrease SV) squeeze
    1. stand on the right side of the patient, supine position, head elevated to 45 deg.
    2. ask client to turn head to left.
    3. shine a tangential light onto the neck
    4. observe pulsation
  • Measure JVPressure
    1. Supine, elevate 45 deg
    2. Have client’s head turn to the right.
    3. Shine a tangential light
  • right side is best to measure because it is directly connected to the RA.
  • JVP reflects pressure in RA (central venous pressure)
  • auscultate first b4 palpating bc it may increase or slow HR changing the strength of carotid impulse!!
  • asking the patient to roll on the his/her left side displaces the heart toward the chest wall.
  • If u detect irregular rhythm, auscultate for pulse rate deficit: palpating radial pulse while auscultating apical pulse in a full minute.
  • murmur: swishing sound caused by turbulent blood flow through heart valves/great vessels.
  • capillaries have thin walls
  • arteries have thick walls and high pressure.
  • veins have thinner walls than arteries, has valves, and has a lower pressure.
  • Coronary artery - supplies blood to the heart.
  • valves prevent the backward flow of blood
  • SYSTOLE (emptying)
    • ventricular contraction
    • AV valves close = S1
    • semilunar valves open
  • DIASTOLE (“filling”)
    • relaxation (ventricles) phase
    • atria is contracting
    • semilunar valves close
    • AV valve open
  • Coronary artery - supplies blood to the heart.