Variables - vary in quantity or quality. It could be independent or dependent.
Independent variables - these are factors that directly affect the findings of the research
Dependent variables - other factors that are affected by an independent variable
Respondents - the individuals from whom researchers gather useful data, experts and interviewees
Sampling - the process used to select a group of respondents from a population
Probabilitysampling - population know and equal chance of being selected for the sample
Simplerandom,systematic,stratified,cluster - 4 types of probability sampling
Simple random - most common sampling, random chance, avoid researcher bias
Systematic - counting off numbers, selecting nth member
Stratified - divided into subgroups
Cluster - population size is too large
Non probability sampling - the population being selected is not known
Purposive, convenience, quota - 3 types of non probability sampling
Purposive sampling - the researcher selects participants based on their ability to answer the research question, participants qualifications or usefulness
Convenience sampling - a sample is selected from a group of people who are readily available
quota sampling - chooses a prespecified number of participants with particular characteristics