There are different types of speciation, including allopatric (geographic isolation), sympatric (ecological or behavioral isolation), and parapatric (partial geographical overlap).
The term "species" is used to describe the smallest unit that can be recognized as distinct from other units.
Speciation occurs when two populations become reproductively isolated, resulting in the formation of new species.
Noncellular, generally smaller than 200 nm in diameter, have at least two parts: capsid (outer layer composed of protein subunits) and nucleic acid core (DNA or RNA)
Cannot be classified with cellular organisms
Obligate intracellular parasites (cannot reproduce outside a living cell)
Can infect a wide variety of cells, but are very specific
Viral reproduction
1. Gain entry into host because portions of capsid adhere to a specific receptor on the host cell's outer surface
2. Viral nucleic acid enters the cell and codes for the protein units inside the capsid
3. Virus takes over metabolic machinery of the host cell
Lytic cycle
1. Attachment
2. Penetration
3. Biosynthesis
4. Maturation
5. Release
Lysogenic cycle
1. Phage becomes a prophage that is integrated into the host genome
2. Becomes latent, and later may reenter the lytic cycle
Reproduction of animal viruses
1. After entry, uncoating releases viral DNA or RNA and reproduction occurs
2. If viral release occurs by budding, the viral particle acquires a membranous envelope
3. Retroviruses contain reverse transcriptase which carries out RNA to cDNA transcription
Naked strands of RNA that can cause crop diseases
Protein molecules that can cause some human and animal diseases, e.g. mad cow disease
Include bacteria and archaea, which are fully functioning cells
Prokaryote structure
Lack a eukaryotic nucleus
Have outer cell wall containing peptidoglycan
Some move by means of flagella
Lack membranous organelles
Contain nucleoid
May have accessory ring of DNA (plasmid)
Prokaryote reproduction
1. Asexual binary fission
2. Conjugation - donor cell passes DNA to recipient cell via sex pilus
3. Transformation - bacterium picks up free pieces of DNA from other prokaryotes
4. Transduction - bacteriophages carry portions of bacterial DNA from one cell to another
5. Endospore formation in unfavorable conditions
Obligate anaerobes
Unable to grow in the presence of free oxygen
Facultative anaerobes
Able to grow in either the presence or absence of gaseous oxygen
Use solar energy to reduce carbon dioxide to organic compounds
Oxidize inorganic compounds to obtain energy to reduce CO2 to an organic compound
Aerobic saprotrophs
Decompose most large organic molecules to smaller molecules
Gram stain
Procedure used to differentiate groups of bacteria
Gram-positive bacteria retain dye and appear purple
Gram-negative bacteria do not retain dye and appear pink
Bacterial shapes
Spiral (spirilli), Rod (bacilli), and Round (cocci)
Gram-negative bacteria that photosynthesize
Believed to be responsible for introducing oxygen into the primitive atmosphere
Lack visible means of locomotion
Can live in extreme environments
In association with fungi, form lichens
Considered bacteria until Carl Woese discovered their rRNA has a different sequence of bases than rRNA of bacteria
Eukarya are believed to be more closely related to archaea than to bacteria
Archaea structure and function
Plasma membranes contain unusual lipids that allow them to function at high temperatures
Some are methanogenic
Most are chemoautotrophs, none are photosynthetic
Sometimes mutualistic or commensalistic, but none are parasitic
Types of archaea
Methanogens (found in anaerobic environments, produce methane)
Halophiles (require high salt concentrations for growth)
Thermoacidophiles (reduce sulfides and survive best at temperatures above 80°C)