2. Battlefield – 4 miles across with 3 strong points (inc. Chateau at Hougomount)
3. Allies. 68,000 / 156 guns (+ Blucher support) VS. 72,000 / 246
4. Napoleon's problems: Unwell / unable to sit for long, Attacking uphill, Ground was waterlogged (delays in moving – wait until 11am)
5. French began with assault on Hougomount / then infantry attack – BOTH REPULSED
6. French heavy fire then caused some Dutch & Belgian units to flee
7. Wellington on the move / Napoleon static, Napoleon leaves ill & Ney in command
8. Wellington moves troops out of artillery reach / Ney thinks they are retreating, sends ALL cavalry in pursuit
9. Form squares, volley fire horsemen / Napoleon returns, news that Prussians are about to join
10. Marshal Grouchy (30,000 men) supposed to prevent this & failed
11. Napoleon's final move = committed his elite guards
12. Wellington – The General: Returned a hero (and a political career), Newly restored King Louis XV111 fled to England, Led Western coalition army, Planned to cooperate with Prussians in the east (Blucher), Russians & Austrians not ready to join, Didn't have many Peninsular veterans / untrusting of Belgian & Dutch
13. Marched uphill, under heavy fire, wavered & British broke them
14. Could see them running / Prussians arriving
15. French army disintegrated – Fleeing / surrendering
16. Napoleon escaped to Paris – HE HAD LOST