upper extremities 1

Cards (101)

  • DESC: Pectoralis minor
    Flat, thin muscle that is deep to the pectoralis major
  • ORIGIN: Pectoralis minor
    Originates from the anterior surfaces of ribs 3-5
  • INSERTION: Pectoralis minor
    Inserts into the coracoid process of the scapula
  • INNERVATION: Pectoralis minor
    Medial pectoral nerves
  • ACTION: Pectoralis minor
    protract and rotate the scapula downward
  • Superficial Muscles of the Anterior Thorax
    Pectoralis minor
    Serratus anterior
  • DESC: Serratus anterior
    Fan shaped muscle, lies deep to the scapula
  • ORIGIN: Serratus anterior
    ribs 1-8
  • INSERTION: Serratus anterior

    Inserts into the vertebral border of the scapula posteriorly
  • ACTION: Serratus anterior
    Rotates the scapula upward
    Prime mover to protract and hold the scapula against the chest wall
    Muscle that is used in pushing, punching, rowing
  • INNERVATION: Serratus anterior
    long thoracic nerve
  • DESC: Subclavius
    Found just underneath the clavicle
    Small cylindrical muscle that extends from the 1st rib to the clavicle
  • INNERVATION: Subclavius
    nerve to subclavius
  • ACTION: Subclavius
    Stabilize and depress the pectoral girdle
  • ORIGIN: Subclavius
    first rib
  • INSERTION: Subclavius
  • Superficial Muscles of the Posterior Thorax
    Levator scapulae
  • DESC: Trapezius
    Diamond shaped muscle
    Found at the superficial part of the back
    Most superficial muscle of the posterior thorax
    Upper fibers, middle fibers, and lower fibers
  • ORIGIN: Trapezius
    Originates from the occipital bone above the ligamentum nuchae and the spines of C7 and all the thoracic vertebrae
  • INSERTION: Trapezius
    along the acromion of the clavicle and the spine of the scapula
  • INNERVATION: Trapezius
    Innervated by accessory nerve (CN11)
  • ACTION: Trapezius
    Serves to stabilize, elevate, retract, and rotate the scapula
    The middle fibers can also adduct the scapula
    Its most prominent action is to elevate the shoulders/shrug the shoulders
  • DESC: Levator scapulae
    Located at the back end at the side of the neck
    Deep to the trapezius
    Strap like in shape
  • ORIGIN: Levator scapulae
    transverse processes of C1-C4
  • INNERVATION: Levator scapulae
    Innervated by the dorsal scapular nerve
  • INSERTION: Levator scapulae
    Inserted into the medial border of the scapulae
  • ACTION: Levator scapulae
    Can elevate and adduct the scapula
  • DESC: Rhomboids
    Found on the medial border of the scapulae
    Just below the levator scapulae (rhomboid minor, smaller and superior)
  • ORIGIN: Rhomboid major
    spinous processes of T2-T5
  • ORIGIN: Rhomboid minor
    spinous processes of C7-T1
  • INSERTION: Rhomboids
    Inserted into the medial border of the scapulae
  • INNERVATION: Rhomboids
    Dorsal scapular nerve
  • ACTION: Rhomboids
    If they act together they can also retract the scapula and rotate it downward
  • Muscles Crossing the Shoulder Joint
    Pectoralis major
    Latissimus dorsi
    Teres major
    Teres minor
  • DESC: Pectoralis major
    is a large fan shaped muscle that covers the upper portion of the chest
    forms your anterior axillary fold
    divided into your clavicular part and your sternal parts, depending on where it's attached
  • ORIGIN: Pectoralis major
    originates from the sternal end of your clavicle, sternum, as well as the cartilage of the the first six ribs
  • INSERTION: Pectoralis major
    inserts into the area of the greater tuberosity of your humerus
  • INNERVATION: Pectoralis major
    innervated by both your lateral and medial pectoral nerves
  • ACTION: Pectoralis major
    Pectoralis major is the prime mover for flexion of your shoulder joint
    Pectoralis major flexes the shoulder joint
    it can also internally rotate and adduct the shoulder
  • DESC: Deltoid
    Makes up the roundness of the shoulder
    Thick multipennate muscle
    Common site for intramuscular injections