Presents the results of the study by answering all the questions found in Chapter 1.
Analysis and interpretation are steps involved in data analysis.
Data Analysis
Process of breaking complex concept into its understandable parts.
The researcher has to organize the data and start the transcription.
One way to analyze a qualitative data is to use data reduction technique.
Familiarization with the data
Includes transcribing the data.
Involves reading several times the data.
Coding - involves generating labels (codes) that identify important features of the data that might be relevant to answering the research question.
Generating themes - involves examining the codes and collated data to identify significant patterns of meaning.
Pattern - something that happens in a regular and repeated way.
Theme - generated when similar issues and ideas expressed by the participants.
Reviewing themes - checking the candidate themes against the data set to determine if they tell a convincing story of the data.
Defining and namingthemes
Involves developing a detailed analysis of each theme.
Generating clear definitions and suitable names for each theme.
Writing up - the final phase involves weaving together the analytic narrative data and extracts and contextualize the analysis in relation to existing literature.