1. Sanhedrin, Pilate (2x), Herod Antipas (Matt 26:57-27:31; Mark 14:53-15:15; Luke 22:54-23:25; John 18:12-19:6)
2. Verdict and Scourging
Jesus on the Cross
(about 9am-3:00pm (Matt 27:31-34; Mk 15:20-23; Lk 23:26-33; John 19:16-17)
Jesus' Seven Last Words on the Cross
Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing. (Lk 23:34)
"Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise." (Lk 23:43)
He said to His mother, "Woman, behold, your son! Then He said to the disciple, "Behold, your mother!" (Jn 19:26-27 )
Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" (Mt 27:46)
I am thirsty. (Jn 19:28)
It is finished!" (Jn 19:30)
Father, into Thy hands I commit My spirit." (Lk 23:46 )
The Resurrection of Christ
1. Jesus predicted His resurrection (Matt 16:21)
2. After Jesus died his tomb was guarded by a Roman guard and sealed with the Roman seal (Matt 27:62-66)
3. Yet the tomb was opened, Jesus came out in a resurrected physical body and it became empty
4. He was seen by the disciples and over 500 brethren (1 Cor 15:1-7)
5. He talked with them and ate with them (Luke 24:39-43)
The Ascension of Christ
1. After 40 days of being with the disciples Jesus was taken un into heaven from the Mount of Olives
2. "After he [Jesus] had said this, while they were watching, he was lifted up and a cloud hid him from their sight" (Acts 1:9)
Christ's Current Ministry
Christ is the head of the body directing the activities of the church
Christ as High Priest intercedes in prayer on our behalf
Second Coming of Jesus Christ
1. The Coming in Blessing for the Church = The Rapture
2. The Coming in Judgment for the World
Future Rule of Jesus on Earth
When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne (Matt 25:31)
Some of the Names of Jesus
Christ, Messiah, Lord, Savior, Alpha and Omega, Son of Man, Son of God, the Son of David, The Word, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, The Bread of Life, The light of the World, Judge, Prophet, Priest, King, Kings of Kings and Lord of Lords
If everything that that Jesus said and did were recorded there would not be enough books in the world to contain it (John 21:25)
I saw One hanging on a tree, In agony and blood; He fixed His loving eyes on me, As near His cross I stood: 'by John Newton'