memory psychology

Cards (12)

  • Cognitive psychologist approach
    Interested in internal mental processes - how we think, perceive the world, and how our memories are formed
  • Cognitive psychologists
    • Test ideas scientifically
    • Research often takes place in a lab under controlled conditions
    • Controlling for extraneous variables to establish causal effect
  • Cognitive psychology research in a lab compromises the ecological validity of some of the results
  • Stages of information processing
    • Input
    • Encoding
    • Storage
    • Retrieval
    • Output
  • Information processing
    1. Input
    2. Encoding
    3. Storage
    4. Retrieval
    5. Output
  • Input
    Information enters the brain through the body's senses - sight, sound, touch, taste, smell
  • Encoding
    Information is changed from one format to another
  • Storage
    Information is held in the brain so it can be retrieved later
  • Retrieval
    Information is recalled from memory
  • Output

    The information retrieved is used in some way, e.g. saying someone's name, writing something down, performing an action
  • Applying information processing to memorizing information read
    • Visual input (words on paper)
    • Encoding (light waves changed to nerve/electrical impulses)
    • Storage (words held in brain)
    • Retrieval (words recalled for test)
    • Output (writing words in exercise book)
  • When applying the 5-step information processing to an example, use specific terms relevant to the context