The role of business in the economy is to engageintransactions that maintain a smooth flow of trade relations, attractmoreinvestment, and to provideagoodenvironment for starting business.
Ethical issue - an individual must decide based on several alternatives of what is right or wrong.
Business ethics are moral principles and standards that guide business people in their transactions.
Universalism - all people should have certain values.
Egoism - promotes the greatest good to oneself.
Utilitarianism - greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Relativism - behavior of a person is based on its own and other relevant people's opinions and viewpoint.
Virtue ethics - morality is dependent on the maturity of a person with good moral character.
Natural - environment
Cultural - organizational culture
Organizational culture is commonly shared by the members of the organization
Interpersonal - relationships
Organizational - economic
Social - Society
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are business operations and activities that have the welfare of society in mind.
Welfare of society - are the many programs designed to help those people who are in need.
Social Obligation - complying with ethical and legal standards.
SocialResponsiveness - goes beyond to the prescribestandards and implements actions that aim to makeanimpactonthesociety.
Economic responsibility - toearnprofit.
Legalresponsibility - comply with legal standards.
Ethicalresponsibility - business should comply with the ethical standards.
Philanthropicresponsibility - give back to community.
Profit, People, and Planet are known as the Triple Bottom Line of the 3Ps.