The study of the influence of environment on microbial growth and development
A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
Components of Ecosystem
Abiotic Components
Biotic Components
Abiotic Components
Non-living or physicochemical factors like air, soil, water, and the basic compounds and elements in the environment
Biotic Components
Living organisms in the environment
Levels of Biological Organization
Identify Microbial Species
1. Laboratory culture and culture-independent molecular approaches
2. Evolutionary relationships
3. Environmental variables that dictate abundance
4. Distribution
5. Specific Activity
Persistent Questions about Microorganisms in the Environment
Which microbes are present?
What is the role of each species?
What interactions occur in the microbial environment?
How do microbes change the environment?
Roots of Microbial Ecology
1683 - Antonie Van Leeuwenhock published drawings of bacteria
1786 - Otto Friedrich Muller reported characteristics of 379 species
1823 - Bartholomeo Bizio described "blood" drops in "bleeding" bread
1837 - Friedrich Traugott Kuzing, Charles Cagniard-Latour, and Theodor Schwann published papers on microorganisms and ethanol production
1838 - Christian Gottfried Ehrenberg described Gallionella Ferruginea
1843 - Friedrich Traugott Kutzing described Leptothrix Ochtscea
1852 - Mazimilian Perty described Chromatium species
1866 - Ernst Haeckel proposed concepts of mutualistic and antagonistic symbiosis
1889 - Matrinus W. Beijerinck developed enrichment technique for pure bacterial cultures
1889 - Sergus N. Wompgradsky established concept of chemolithotrophy and autotrophic growth
1904 - L. Hiltner studied the biology of the root zone and proposed the term rhizosphere
1909 - Sigurd Orla-Jensen presented a natural system for arrangement of bacteria
Phylogenetic tree
A diagram that depicts the lines of evolutionary descent of different species, organisms, or genes from a common ancestor
Phylogenies are useful for organizing knowledge of biological diversity, for structuring classifications, and for providing insight into events that occurred during evolution
The study of microbial ecology includes the influence of environment on microbial growth and development
Not only do physical and chemical changes in the environment select for microorganisms, but biological adaptation enables bacteria and archaea to optimize the use of nutrients available to support growth