Trend is a movement or behavior that is geared towards a certain direction
A fad. is something that people are highly interested in for a relatively short period of time
Appeal refers to the degree of attraction that a fad or a trend causes on people
Result pertains to the impact of a fad or trend. Impact refers to the ability of a fad or trend to produce sustainable movement or change
Scope indicates the extent of the influence of a fad or a trend
Support refers to the structure that enables a fad or a trend to be sustainabl.
Sustainability refers to the length of time that a fad or a trend can continue to exist
Value pertains to the utility or usefulness that can be derived from a fad or a trend
According to John Locke there is no innate ideas. All of the ideas that we have derived from experience and that every complex idea that we have in our mind can be traced back to a simple idea.
Perception phase the mind is a passive receiver that merely collects simple ideas
Abstraction is the process of focusing on a particular aspect of these ideas while disregarding others
Representation observation derived from the senses have to be integrated with the existing explicitly formulated knowledge
Adaptation is an intermediate stage between representation and generalization
Generalization or Interference we learn a concept from a training set
Evaluation if the results are unsatisfactory then the previous steps have to be reconsidered
Representation is when we look at objects in the world we picture them in our mind
Adaptation links representation with generalization or interference
Generalization or Interference the mind abstracts the general idea from a pool of existing representations
Evaluation is meant to test if a person is adept in pattern recognition
Wittgenstein argued that not everything in the world has an essential property that can be abstracted to form general concepts
democracy means rule by the people
the elements of modern democracy are rule of law, separation of power, suffrage, basic rights and freedoms, freedom of speech and Pluralism
Rule of law is the heart of any democratic government
Separation of power is the distribution of power within the government
The dimensions of democracy are the people, equality, common good, and representation
Aristocracy is a form of government wherein the people are ruled by members of the nobility or those who belong to the upper class of society.
Capitalism is a form of government wherein the people are allowed to own properties or businesses for purposes of profit insofar as these owners pay taxes to the government.
Communism is a form of government wherein the idea is to arrive at a classless society through the equal sharing of goods by the people.
Constitutional monarchy is a form of government wherein a democratic government exists side by side with a monarchy and the responsibilities in ruling are divided between two heads.
Democracy is a form of government wherein the power to rule resides in the people.
Despotism is a form of government wherein the people are governed by a single individual who treats the people as slaves.
Dictatorship is a form of government wherein the people are governed by an individual who has absolute governing power and assumes the roles of the three branches of the government-executive, legislative, and judiciary.
Federalism is a form of government wherein the governing power is shared between a central government and a group of regional or local governments.
Monarchy is a form of government wherein the people are ruled by a Monarch (a King or a Queen) and this power to rule is passed on as an inheritance to the Monarch's children (an heir apparent who will succeed the reigning monarch once he or she dies or abdicates). A monarch who has managed to expand one's kingdom to an empire is called emperor or empress.
Oligarchy is a form of government wherein the people are ruled by a few people. These few may be wealthy or powerful, thus having the power to rule.
regional or local government is a form of government wherein people in a specific locale are ruled by a small group of leaders whose ruling power is only limited within the confines of the locales they serve.
A republic is a form of government wherein the people are not ruled by a monarch but by an elected president, in most cases.
A revolutionary government results from a situation wherein the existing government is forcibly overthrown by revolutionary forces,
Socialism is a form of government wherein businesses that are involved in the production and distribution of goods and basic utilities such as electricity and water are administered by the government and not by capitalists.
Timocracy is a form of government wherein leaders are chosen on the basis of being honorable.