thr studying of the age of earth involves looking at fossil records and the theory of evolution
the geologic time scale is divided into eon, era, periods and epochs
eras are longer than periods but shorter than eons
pre cambrian period is 4.6 billions years to 541 million years ago
88% of Earth's geologic time scale is the pre cambrian
pre cambrian- lower levels pf pxygen in the oceans and Atmos
in precambrian, photosyntheticbacteria created the oxygenrich atmosphere
the headean eon marks the formations of crust and oceans. some rock fossils like detrical zircon dating revealed associations with magmatic crust cooled down and interactions with water
the Archaeaneon ( 4-2.5 bya) was when earth had cooled down enough for the first signs of life to appear. stromatolites date back 3.7 bya, the oldestidentifiable fossil ever recorded
stable region like gondwanaland via tectonic plates were formed in proterozoic eon (2.5 bya to 541 mya)
eukaryotic cells appeared in proterozoic eon and by 715 mya, glaciation occured followed by slow warming
the phanerozoic eon began with the cambrianexplosion when pre cambrian biota such as dickinsonia costata went extinct while new groups rapidly arise
the phanerozoic eon is divided into Paleozoic, mesozoic, and cenozoic
during the phanerozoic eon, at the latter part of Paleozoic era, all land masses merged as one, called pangea, thatater parted into two, gondwanaland and laurasia
in Paleozoic era, multicellular organism diversified but it ended with a 90% mass extinction
mesozoic era was dominated by dinosaurs which became dominant during this time
the cambrianexplosion ( 542 -485 mya) gave rise to major groups of animals
in cambrianexplosion. first arthropods, like the trilobites as well as most marjnephyla like mollusks, invertebrates and echinoderms all prepared in this period
the first land plants and fungi emerged in ordovician ( 485 - 444 mya )
bony and jawlessfishes arise in silurian (444-419 mya)
the ordovician-silurianextinction event is the first massive one
evolution of fishes was at peak at Devonian period ( 419 - 359 mya), such as the lobbed-finned tetrapod fish, tiktaalik on land, insects, fern, trees, seeded plants, and amphibians tribes
the late devonian mass extinction wiped out 80% of the species in both land and sea
the carboniferous period (359-252 mya ) has tropical climate. mammalian and reptilian ancestors appeared, while large amphibians ruled the swampyforests
durin the permian, the supercontinent, pangea was the largest. reptiles diversified , connifers and sypnasids
( ancestors of mammals) ruled the continent
the largest extinction in history occured during the permianperiod
the mesozoicera (252 -66 mya ) has triassic , jurassic , and cretaceous periods. dinosaurs dominated then came nectar drinking insects, birds, flowering plants, and mammals
cretaceous-paleogene (k-pg)extinction wiped out the dinosaurs
asteroidimpact, risingofsealevels, volcanic, and tectonic activities or glaciation are just some theories causing extinction