Cards (5)

  • sampling- a group of individuals that represent the population. The process of choosing a sample is called sampling.
  • population- the complete group of people, animals or objects that have the same characteristics that the research needs
  • Purposive Sampling
    • also called judgmental sampling. when researchers deliberately choose specific individuals or groups to be part of their study based on their expertise, knowledge, or relevance to the research question. You choose people whom you are sure could correspond to the objectives of your study, like selecting those with rich experience or interest in your study. 
  •  Convenience Sampling
    researchers choose participants based on their easy accessibility or availability, rather than through a random or representative method. It might not accurately represent the entire population being studied. For example, asking people nearby or those easily accessible through social media could be convenience sampling.
  • Convenience Sampling
    researchers choose participants based on their easy accessibility or availability, rather than through a random or representative method. It might not accurately represent the entire population being studied. For example, asking people nearby or those easily accessible through social media could be convenience sampling.