
Cards (93)

  • Tradere
    to pass on; to hand over
  • Apostolic Succession

    Before Jesus returned to heaven he commissioned apostles to continue his mission to "share" the message of salvation to all people
  • The Gospel Challenge
    We are challenged by the Gospel of Christ to spread the truth and continue the mission he gave his disciples
  • events and experiences
    the holy scriptures started with the revelation of god in the lives of the chosen people.
  • edited tradition
    biblical authors refined and combined the original stories to reflect new events or religious questions that arose during that time
  • oral tradition
    Initially passed-on by word of mouth. the wisdom and history of those people believed in god were passed through oral stories, told and retold in important gatherings
  • Written Tradition
    Eventually, SOME of it were put into writing. writing become more common
    oral tradition still continued side by side with written tradition
  • canon of scriptures

    by way of apostolic tradition, the church discerned which writings are to be included in the list of sacred books.
  • canon
    means "measuring stick;" used to choose what does and does not fit
  • canonization
    church's official recognition that a book is inspired
  • canonicity
    state of book having passed the standards of for determining divine inspiration, hence being declared as canonical.
  • apocryphal writing

    did not passed the criteria for canonicity.
    the church did not sense their inspiration
    may have been used sporadically by scattered groups
    did not have apostolic guarantee
    contents are either heretical or irrelevant
  • apocrypha
    veiled or secret
  • deuterocanonical
    means "second canon" . these refers to the second set of canonical books. these books as inspired or equal inspiration as the protocanonicals, having passed the same standards.
  • codex
    people discovered that sheets of papyrus can be put on top of each other, folded in the middle, and bound, resulting in an easy-to-use book.
  • Emperor Constantine
    he ordered its production and various translations emerged from non-Hebrew and non-Greek speaking communities
  • Pope St. Damasus I
    he authorized only one definitive translation of the scriptures (Latin), also he commissioned it in 383 CE, when St. Jerome translated scriptures into Latin Vulgate.
  • Archbishop Stephen Langton of Canterbury
    he divided the books of the bible into chapters
  • Robert Estienne (Stephanus)

    divided the chapters of the bible into verses.
  • It's not ecstatic

    The authors were not possessed or in trance when they wrote sacred texts.
  • Its not verbal / mechanical dictation
    Did not hear "Voices" telling them exactly what to write. They had to go through all processes all the involved in writing.
  • It's not subsequent approbation

    God was involved in the entire process of writing.
  • It's not simply negative assistance
    God's role was limited to the pointing out or prevention of error
  • It's not mere ideological inspiration (formal inspiration)
    Even the very words used by the author were inspired by God.
  • bible
    Is an account of life preserved in memory, turned into a text. It records events seen as design and influenced by God.
  • Scriptural Tradition

    These are traditions that take their roots in the holy bible. These practices and beliefs can be justified by quoting Sacred Scriptures.
  • Apostolic Tradition

    The teachings which the Apostles left us, not through written scripture, but through the unbroken chain of Popes, bishops, priests and deacons. This unbroken chain is an assurance that the teachings of the Apostles are preserved intact.
  • Magisterium
    The teaching authority of the church. Exercised by the Pope in making solemn definition or by the Bishop in an Ecumenial Council like Vatican 2.
  • cultural tradition
    Could have arisen from particular needs of the Church at a particular time and place. Can be changed, modified or done away without destroying the Integrity of christian faith..
  • Doctrinal Traditions
    The Living and Lived faith of the church
    Can never be changed, modified or done away with, for doing so would harm the integrity of our Christian Faith
  • Nihil Obstat
    "Nothing hinders" given by a Censor Librorum, it is an attestation a book contains nothing damaging to faith or morals.
  • Imprimi Potest
    "it may be printed" Given by the major religious superior if the author is a member of a religious congregation.
  • Imprimatur
    "Let it be printed" given by the author's diocesan bishop or the bishop of the place which the book is published
  • testament
    is an evidence or proof of a specific fact, event or reality
  • old testament
    it is a lesson on faithfulness, expressed variable through laws stories, prophecies, and wisdom literature.
  • new testament
    tells us of jesus and through his passion, death and resurrection, he established the definite covenant relationship.
  • words of affirmation
    this language calls for appreciation through the use of words that compliment and highlight the positive attributes of the person.
  • quality time
    means committing ourselves to another person. Time is precious. we cannot take back lost time.
  • gift giving
    this is often mistaken for materialism. people with this language of love know that the true motivation for giving gifts is the thoughtfulness and effort they exert to express their feelings
  • acts of services
    this is expressed in the saying actions speaks louder than words. people with this language of love prefer to express their love for others with kind acts of favors