Inhalational Agents
Created by
Larissa Haynes
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2 common types?
isoflurane and sevoflurane.
Advantages of isoflurane (drugs characteristics)
faster induction than halothane, fast recovery, more potent that sevo.
Advantaged of isoflurane (physiological)
Good muscle relaxation, does not sensitise heart arrythmias and transient excitability after painful surgeries.
Disadvantages of isoflurane- drug?
Pungent smell, slow than sevo, poorly tolerated for mask induction, irritant to airways.
Disadvantages of isoflurane- physiological?
Potent respiratory depression and hypotension can occur due to CVS depression.
Advantages of sevoflurane- drug?
Quick recovery and induction, lower blood gas solubility, well tolerated for mask induction, non-airway irritant, pleasant smell.
Advantages of sevoflurane- physiological?
liver friendly, no affects to CVS
Disadvantages- sevoflurane?
hypotension and respiratory depression, both dose dependent. Less potent than iso.
what does blood gas solubility mean?
How soluble the volatile agent is within blood, e.g. less soluble the faster the uptake
What does MAC mean?
How strong a volatile agent is. More potent the volatile the less required to keep patient asleep.