
Cards (34)

  • Geographic Coordinate System is a system that is used to locate places using the degrees of latitude and longitude
  • Latitude is an imaginary line drawn around the earth parallel to the equator
  • The Prime Meridian is the zero point on the globe where all other lines of longitude are measured from it.
  • Longitude is an imaginary line drawn from pole to pole, perpendicular to the equator.
  • Coordinate are pair of numbers that describe the position of the point.
  • Map is a two dimensional graphical representation of an area, and or sea, depicting physical features.
  • Globe is a three dimensional spherical model of the earth
  • Latitude are horizontal imaginary lines.
  • Countries located in the tropics experience a tropical climate where the annual average temperature is above 18 degrees celsius.
  • North pole, Arctic circle, Tropic of Cancer, Equator, Tropic of Capricorn, Antarctic Circle, and South pole.
    Parts of Tropics(?)
  • Northern Temperate Zone - Countries located in these zones experience four seasons.
  • There are 3 zones
    1. Tropical Zone
    2. Temperate Zone
    3. Polar Zone
  • What are the gases in the atmosphere? Trace Gas 1% Oxygen 21%
    Hydrogen 78%
    Example of Trace gases: carbon dioxide, inert gases, methane, ozone, hydrogen, etc...
  • 1.Troposphere • Lowest layer • layer where we live • makes up approximately 75% of the total mass of the atmosphere • 99% contains the atmosphere's water • where wind, clouds and water vapors are found • where weather phenomenon takes place • Temperature decreases as altitude increases
  • 2.Stratosphere • 2nd layer • Flow of air is more stable than Troposphere • Temperature increases with altitude • where OZONE LAYER is found
  • Ozone Layer protects us from harmful ultraviolet rays coming from the Sun Without the ozone layer, the high energy ultraviolet rays coming from the sun can damage cells of living organisms and can cause sunburn and skin cancer.
  • 3.Mesosphere • 3rd layer • temperature decreases with altitude • coldest layer of the atmosphere surrounding the Earth • burns out most meteors and asteroids before they reach the Earth's surface
  • What do you think will happen if there is no Mesosphere? -Meteors and asteroids will directly hit our planet which can cause disasters.
  • 4. Thermosphere δ • 4th layer ⚫ comparatively closer to the Sun and it absorbs a large amount of solar radiation ⚫ temperature increases tremendously as the distance from the Earth becomes greater • where the International Space Station orbits and space shuttles • where Ionosphere is found Ionosphere is an ion-rich region
  • Auroral displays can be seen in the lonosphere Auroras are bands of lights with different colors Aurora Borealis (NORTH) Aurora Australis (SOUTH)
  • 5.Exosphere 0000 • Highest Layer ⚫ temperature varies from very hot to very cold • perfect for placing artificial satellites • has little friction
  • Natural Resources Materials that is created and gathered from nature that humans use to survive and satisfy their needs
  • Two types of Resources 1. Renewable 2. Non-Renewable
  • Renewable Resources or materials that can grow or be replaced again after it is consumed.
    Example: Animals Wood
  • Non-Renewable Resources or materials that cannot grow or be replaced after it is consumed or used.
    Example: Rocks Soil
  • Fossil fuel is also an example of non-renewable resources. This is used mainly in factories and powering up machines.
  • Types of alternative for Fossil Fuels 1. Solar Energy 2. Wind Energy 3. Hydro power Energy
    4. Geothermal Energy
  • A Nonrenewable Resource is a natural resource that cannot be re-made or re-grown at a scale comparable to its consumption.
  • NUCLEAR ENERGY Nuclear fission uses uranium to create energy. Nuclear energy is a nonrenewable resource because once the uranium is used, it is gone!
  • COAL, PETROLEUM, AND GAS Coal, petroleum, and natural gas are considered nonrenewable because they can not be replenished in a short period of time. These are called fossil fuels.
  • HOW ARE OIL AND GAS MADE ??? Tiny sea plants and animals died and were buried on the ocean floor. Over time, they were covered by layers of silt and sand. Over millions of years, the remains were buried deeper and deeper. The enormous heat and pressure turned them into oil and gas. Today, we drill down through layers of sand, silt, and rock to reach the rock formations that contain oil and gas deposits.
  • RENEWABLE RESOURCES Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished in a short period of time. • Solar • Wind • Biomass
  • SOLAR Energy from the sun.
  • GEOTHERMAL Energy from Earth's heat.