carbon cycle

Cards (57)

  • the lithosphere is the largest store of carbon within rocks and as fossil fuels
  • tar sands are a mixture of clays, sands water and thick viscous bitumen. It is extracted by water
  • oil shale is when solid bitumen is formed under pressure but not enough pressure to become oil. It is heated to extract the oil
  • shale gas is methane trapped in rock that can be removed by fracking which is when water is forced into rock with a drill
  • the Athabasca oil sands provide 150,000 jobs
  • the fracking industry in Pennsylvania supports 190,000 jobs
  • Over half of Pennsylvania households use natural gas as their primary home heating fuel
  • More than 17.6 million people live within a mile of a fracked oil or gas well in the US
  • Fracking has been linked as a cause of health problems including cancer, asthma attacks, lower infant birth weights
  • in 2023 there was a methane leak from a storage facility in Pennsylvania, one of the largest gas leaks in US history. As well as causing local health problems, the leak was a ‘super-emitter incident’ which released a huge amount of methane (a GHG) into the atmosphere. The leak took 2 weeks to plug.
  • 16% of Brazil’s energy comes from biofuels 
  • in 1967 there was a war between Egypt and Israel. The US backed Israel. As a result Egypt and the OPEC reduced oil sales to the US by 5% a month. USA had to use oil reserved for a military emergency in Elk Hills, California as a result of oil prices being too high
  • coal is formed on land in swamps by the cementation of animal waste and dead matter
  • crude oil can form on land or in the sea when plant and animal remains are cemented under rock and anaerobic conditions
  • tar sands emit three times more CO2 in extraction than when conventional oil is extracted
  • 79% of U.S. natural gas is produced by fracking
  • the US is the leading natural gas producer, taking over Russia
  • In 2008 the Sirius star, which carried oil worth $100m to the USA, was hijacked off of the Somali coast.
  • energy mix depends on: availability of resources, cost/ease of extraction, energy needs of the country, international policies that affect home policies (Paris Agreement, EU), environmental concerns and historical legacies
  • carbon capture and storage involves capturing carbon released from power plants and then injecting it into underground reserves
  • when the ocean absorbs more carbon it leads to ocean acidification which can threaten coral
  • warming temperatures means tropical storms are more frequent and may occur further away from the equator. They need temperatures of 27 degrees to form
  • the Paris Agreement limits warming to 1.5 degrees and aims to reach net zero by 2050
  • between 2004 and 2012 Brazil cut rates of deforestation by 80% by protecting forests and indigenous rights to land
  • solar radiation management is an adaptation strategy which involves continuously spraying aerosol into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight back into space
  • adaptation strategies are water management, resilient agricultural systems, land-use planning, flood-risk management and solar radiation management
  • mitigation strategies are carbon taxation, renewable switching, energy efficiency, afforestation, carbon capture and storage
  • iceland is one of the leading countries in renewable energy, using mostly hydro-power and geothermal
  • energy efficiency has increased with more efficient energy-saving technology like kettles
  • The UK originally promised to stop selling petrol and diesel cars by 2030 but this has been extended to 2035
  • sweden has the highest carbon tax in the world and between 1990 and 2018 has reduced its emissions by 27% as a result
  • humus (decomposed animal and plant matter) is made up of 60% carbon
  • some carbon is released from soil through soil respiration
  • forest dieback is the premature death of a population of trees which may be due to disease or drought and soil acidification, which can increase with climate change
  • plants release carbon containing compounds from photosynthesis into the soil
  • more carbon is stored in soil than the atmosphere
  • in order of slowest to fastest: geological, biological, terrestrial
  • warmer water can absorb less CO2 than water in polar regions. This means the ocean is not a reliable carbon store due to climate change
  • soils store more carbon in colder temperatures, as the rate of decomposition is lower, and in places with high rainfall
  • deforestation decreases the capacity of soil to store carbon as it is more susceptible to erosion by rain and microorganisms could die without nutrients from plants