Economic development in Elizabethan England

Cards (61)

  • Value of internal trade
    Exceeded that of foreign trade
  • How internal trade increased
    • Growth in the shipping of coal from Tyne to Thames
    • Help meet the growing demands of the of the London market
  • Foreign trade within England
    • Some coal exported from across the north sea
    • Rapidly developing trade with France
  • Range of luxury goods in England

    • A wider range of luxury good imported
    • Suggesting that goods were becoming more affordable to a wider range of the population
  • Significance of the cloth trade in the Netherlands

    • It remained important but declined
    • Because Antwerp cloth market had declined compared to what it once was in the early 1550s
    • William Cecil was anxious for political reasons to not depend only on a singular market
  • Where alternative trade had been developed

    • North German port of Emden
    • Major move to Amsterdam - had negative effects on Antwerp (Netherlands)
  • What did John Hawkins do in Guinea?

    Established the English slave trade
  • Beginning of Hawkins's three expeditions

  • Hawkins's first two expeditions

    • Proved very financially successful
    • But irritated Spanish authorties
  • Hawkins's third expedition

    • Attracted royal support but went fully wrong
    • His fleet was blocked in the Mexican port of San Juan de Ulua
    • Only two ships got back to England with some gold
  • Hawkins's activates
    Antagonised a already strained relationship between England and Spain in the 1560s
  • Hawkins's first expedition
  • Hawkins's second expedition
  • Hawkins's third expedition
  • Main changes to the English trading patterns in the 1580s

    • Main markets for English wool moved from southern to northern Netherlands
    • An increase in trade with the Ottoman empire
  • Why were there trading companies set up?

    To widen England's trading interests
  • Success of trading companies

    Varying degrees of success among them
  • The Muscovy company
    • Incorporated in 1555
    • Involved trade with Russia and northern Europe
    • Failed in the long term due to an inability to complete with the Dutch
  • The Levan company
    • Set up in 1581
    • Limited effect
  • The east Indian company

    • Set up in 1600
    • Involved trade with Asia
    • Had less investments compared to the Dutch east Indian company so the company found it hard to compete in the short term
  • Successes of these trading companies at the end of Elizabeth's reign

    • Remained modest organisations
    • Although they were joint-stock companies owned by shareholders
    • They provided a model of clear organisation for the future of capitalist developments
  • The greatest product of exploration was silver from South America
  • What did trading markets in the far east allow?

    • For the importation of luxury goods
    • Contributing to the cycle of prosperity
  • Elizabethan England hoped to explore North America
  • By explorer Humphrey Gilbert
    Suggestion of exploring North America first introduced
  • Who encouraged ideas of exploration?
    • Richard Hakluyt
    • in his book A discorse of western planting
    • Published in 1585
    • He was clergyman
    • Had close links to Humphrey Gilbert's half brother Walter Raleigh
    • Though him he was able to present his book tot he Queen
  • Support for Raleigh
    • Came from investors like Sir Francis Walsingham
    • 1585 received the queens patent to colonise what is now Virginia
  • Attempts at colonisation
    • Proved disastrous
    • From poor organisation
    • Ill luck
    • Reluctance by the Queen to prioritise these expeditions when she was facing war with Spain
  • Landed income in Elizabethan England

    • Rose
    • As many landowners acquired a whole range of material possessions
    • Possessions which would be unknown to their grandparents generation
  • Other benefits landowners received

    • Henry VIII and Edward VI had been generous trying to sell the dissolution of church property
    • They were sold for knock-down prices
  • Building boom
    • Due to land owners buying more church property
    • There was a huge proliferation in building
    • Not only houses which were great but also those which were more modest country houses
  • How did modest levels society farmers benefit?
    • From a rise in agricultural prices
    • Essex clergymen William Harrison noted in his book - description of England (1577)
    • The improvement in living standards enjoyed by farmers
  • Farmers who benefited the most
    • Those in the south-east England
    • Inventories taken from peoples deaths prove these positive trends for farmers
  • Agricultural production trends
    • Overall increase
    • Bad harvests interrupted good trends
  • Relationship between trade and prosperity viewed by Historians
    • Debated
    • Due to the absence of really hard evidence
    • This makes it difficult to come to a definitive conclusion
  • Historians in the first half of the century and their views on prosperity and trade

    • Trade was lively and cheerful
    • Seen in the evidence of of shipbuilding
  • Historians in the second half of the century and their views on prosperity and trade

    • Have a more pessimistic view
    • This is due to long time decline in cloth trade
  • Comparison of English financial institutions to their counterparts

    • Compared to their counterparts in the Netherlands, Germany and Italy
    • English financial institutions were much less successful
  • Impossible to generalise about Urban prosperity
  • Areas which declined in prosperity under Elizabeth's reign
    • Stamford
    • Winchester