what is the evolutionary explanation of attachment?
attachment is an innate system giving survivaladvantage
montropy meaning?
emphasis of attachment to primary attachment figure
what are the two main reasons for spending more time with primary caregiver to improve attachment?
law of continuity = more constant childcare better quality of attachment
law of accmulated of separation = effects of separation add up
Why are babies born with social releasers?
activatesocialinteraction with adult, attachment in reciprocal
What is the critical period of attachment?
infant attachment system is active and sensitive between 6 months and 2 years
attachment not formed between this period = a lot harder to form attachment
first attachment forms internal working model of relationships:
mental representation of relationship with primary attachment figure acts as a template for what relationships are like
may also affect later ability to become a parent
support for social releasers = Brazelton 1975
support for IWM = bailey2007
lacks validity
Evidence for social releasers = Brazelton:
instructed primary attachment figures to ignore social releasers
babies showed distressed and then became motionless
social releasers play important role in attachment
Strength for internal working model - Bailey
internal working models can predict patterns of attachment and will be passed on from one generation to the next
study of 99 mothers, those with poor attachment with own parents were more likely to have children poorly attachment
passed through families
but their other influences on socialdevelopment such as geneticinfluencedpersonality which is important in development of social behaviour
bowlby overemphasised importance of the internal working model
monotropy lacks validity:
relationship with primary caregiver may be stronger than others rather than different in quality
other family members can develop attachments with babies with the same qualities e.g comfort
Bowlby wrong to suggest unique quality to child primary attachment
concept of monotropy is socially sensitive - places pressure on mothers to form sensitive and loving attachments with child other wise negative long term effects occur and underestimates role of the father