The five pillars: Shahadah: 'There is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet'.
The five pillars: Salah: 'Woe to those who pray, but are unmindful of their prayer, or who pray only to be seen by people'.
The five pillars: Zakah: 'And those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in the way of Allah - give them tidings of painful punishment'.
The five pillars: Shaum: 'Oh believers! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may learn self restraint'.
The five pillars: Haji: 'Pilgrimage to the House is a duty towards God upon humankind, for those who can find a way there'.
Festivals: 'Verily it is only a festival for he whose fast Allah has accepted and whose prayers he has acknowledged'.
Jihad: 'The person who struggles so that Allah's word is supreme is the one serving Allah's cause'.
10 Obligatory Acts of Shi'a Islam: 1. Salah - Committing to daily prayers. 2. Sawm - fasting. 3. Zakah - Giving a portion of your wealth to help the poor. 4. Hajj - Pilgrimage to Makkah (Mecca). 5. Jihad - The struggle to keep belief in Allah and follow his rules. 6. Khums - 20% annual tax.The money is split between charities. 7. Amr-bil-maroof - Encouraging people to do what is good. 8. Nahil Anril Munkar - Forbidding evil by discouraging people from doing what is wrong. 9. Tawalia - Showing love. 10. Tabarra - Disassociaiton.