stratum basale - A single layer of basophilic cuboidal or columnar cells. Characterized by intense mitotic activity and contains progenitor cells for all the epidermal layers
the source of skin cells?
statum basale
stratum spinnosum - Thickest layer, especially in the epidermal ridges. Synthesis of much keratin and other proteins takes place. Characteristically exhibit spinous processes
precursor for your keratin?
contains prickle cells?
stratum spinosum
stratum granulosum - known as keratohyalin granules. has lamellar granules
lamellargranules - are cysteine rich and histidine rich proteins considered as the precursors of the protein filaggrin. Lipid in nature, water cannot easily pass through them. allows the skin to retain as much water as it can to maintain the water volume in the human body
stratum lucidum - clear layer, thin, translucent layer of flattened eosinophilic keratinocytes held together by desmosomes. Considered a subdivision of the stratum corneum. Only well seen in thick skin
stratum corneum - Most differentiated cells in the skin. Layers of squamous, keratinized cells filled with birefringent filamentous keratins. Squames. Top most layer
layer of dead skin cells?
stratum corneum
predominant cell type of the epidermis?
melanocytes - Neural crest-derived ,A dendritic cell that is scattered among the basal cells of the stratum basale. Produce and distribute melanin into keratinocytes. Cells that produce the protein melanin, the pigment, the one that give our skin a pigment.
precursor of melanin?
Tyrosinase - convert tyrosine into your dihydroxyphenylalanine (DOPA)
langerhans - dendritic cells, antigen presenting cells in the epidermis. it processes characteristic, tennis racquet-shaped Birbeck granules. Most clearly seen in the spinous layer.
merkel cells - Function is cutaneous sensation, Abundant in highly sensitive skin like that of fingertips and at the bases of some hair follicles. Located in the stratum basale
important in our ability to feel textures?
merkel cells
layers of the dermis?
papillary and reticular layer
considered peg and socket in our skin?the reason why we have footprints and fingerprints
dermal-epidermal interdigitation
papillary layer - Thin, Includes the dermal papillae ,Consists of loose connective tissue, Types I and III collagen fibers, fibroblasts and scattered mast cells, macrophages, and other leukocytes
supports the epidermis, topmost layer of the dermis?
papillary layer
reticular layer - Much thicker, Consists of dense irregular connective tissue, More fibers and fewer cells than the papillary layer, A network of elastic fibers is also present
where the target of when you have insulin injected?
subcutaneuous layer
merkel cells - tonic receptors for sustained light touch and for sensing an object's texture, tactile disc.
free nerve endings - Most numerous neuronal receptors in the epidermis - Terminate in the stratum granulosum