
Cards (25)

  • Fish skin section unicellular in epidermis
    club cells - sensing cells, trigger fear/alarms fish
  • Fish skin section unicellular in epidermis
    granular cells - secretes distasteful taste as a protective mechanism
  • Fish skin section dermis
    associated with blood vessels and nerve fibers
    subcutaneous muscle
  • Fish skin section multicellular cells
    Photophores - deep sea fishes, teleost
  • Fish skin section multicellular cells
    Slime gland - lamprey, hagfish
  • Fish skin section multicellular cells
    poison gland - secretes poision
  • Frog skin section
    dermis > epidermis
    chromatophores - pigments
  • Frog skin section
    mucus gland - smaller, lightly stained
    poison gland - larger, brightly stained
  • Human scalp
    hair follicle, hair grows at an angle
    hair - dermal origin
  • Human scalp epidermis
    stratum basale/ germinativum - mitotically active
    stratum spinosum - keratinocytes
    stratum granulosum - fibers
    stratum lucidum - transition layer
    stratum corneum - dead cells, sheds
  • Human scalp glands
    sebaceous gland - secretes sebum, associated with hair follicles
    sweat gland
  • Human scalp
    dermal papilla - gives rise to hair
    arrector pilli - goosebumps
  • Human Brown Skin
    purple stained- epidermis
    easier to stain due to melanin (?)
  • Human Palm skin
    thicker because it always shed
  • Fish scales
    placoid scale
    cycloid scale
    ctenoid scale
    ganoid scale
  • Placoid scale
    usually has 3 spines ( lateral and median)
    basal plate- site of direct attachment to the skin of the fish
  • Cycloid scale
    circular rings representing annular age
    no spine
  • Ctenoid scale
    fringe projections
    -ctinii - comb-like teeth
    circulii -annual rings
    ray-finned fishes
  • Ganoid scale
    has spine
    covered with enamel-like substance called ganoin
    bowfins and gars
  • Bird Feathers
    pterylae - precise tracts in bird skin where feathers are confined
  • Bird Feathers
    apteria - areas devoid of feather
  • Bird Feathers
    calamus - large hollow shaft, attaches feather directly to the skin
  • Bird Feathers
    rachis - central rod
  • Bird Feathers
    afterfeather - downy lower barbs of feather
  • Bird Feathers
    barb, barbus, barbule, hooklets