Personal development

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  • Brain
    • Like an incredible living machine
    • Two-fist-sized organ weighing an average of 3 pounds
    • Responsible for the overall functioning of our body
    • Functions as a command center that directs the action happening physiologically
    • Serves as the critical information processing unit
    • Capsule of our consciousness, what we know, and our memories
    • Core information-processing unit in the body, makes learning possible
    • Main organ responsible for performing tasks like reading, writing, and computing numbers
  • Working memory
    • Unique system in the brain that makes it possible to access the stored information for use in specific activities
    • Because of its critical role in your learning and development, caring for it and nurturing its gifts is imperative
  • The Hindbrain
    1. Responsible for our instinctive, autonomic behavior and serves survival functions
    2. The medulla controls vital functions like respiration, blood circulation, digestion, and heart rate
    3. The cerebellum regulates posture, balance, and muscular coordination
    4. The pons bridges medulla and other parts of the brain. It regulates movement, sleep, and arousal
    5. The reticular activating system regulates attention, movement, sleep, waking, and reflexes
  • Mid-Brain
    • Conduction and switching center of the brain that transpires responses like muscle movements and auditory and visual system processing
    • Problems with auditory or visual processing may result in specific learning disabilities like dyslexia and central auditory processing disorder
  • Forebrain
    1. In charge of our intellectual activity and consciousness
    2. The cerebrum acts as the "executive center" of the brain, responsible for remembering, learning, thinking, and taking charge of language and emotion
    3. The thalamus relays sensory information
    4. The hypothalamus secreted hormones and controls physiological functions like temperature, hunger, and thirst
    5. The corpus callosum connects the two hemispheres
    6. The pituitary gland is the master gland that secreted hormone and controls the endocrine system
  • Lateralization of the brain
    • There are different ways of processing information in the two hemispheres of the brain, each having distinct abilities to handle different mental tasks
  • Left Hemisphere
    • Controls right side of the body
    • Responsible for logical and intellectual functions necessary for understanding, writing, and speaking
    • Factual, logical, analytical, sequential/organized, controlled
  • Right Hemisphere
    • Controls left side of the body
    • Takes care of creative, intuitive, and emotional aspects
    • Intuitive, holistic, spontaneous, open and flexible
    • Brain functions are not strictly pigeonholed into particular areas
    • Dominance is not necessarily exclusive, such that you are either right- or left-brained
    • Openness to varied ways of learning, commitment to growth, nurturing relationships, and being guided by sound values are critical elements to achieving a holistic, balanced life
  • Whole Brain Theory
    Herrmann identified 4 major types of thinking: Analytical, Practical, Relational, Experimental
  • Analytical
    Factual, objective, quantitative, focuses in the here-and-now
  • Practical
    Follows step-by-step procedures, values detailed plans, consistent
  • Relational
    Feeling-oriented, intuitive, attuned to others' feelings, values relationship and communication, nurturing
  • Experimental
    Artistic, integrative, imaginative, follows 'gut feel', likes to try new things, takes risks, future-oriented
  • Creative Thinking

    • Expansive way of driving your thoughts to venture into possibilities. It is thinking outside the box
    • Creativity does not rest on intelligence alone; it accesses different modes of thinking to make a breakthrough
  • Associative Thinking
    Mental technique that lets you explore an idea by considering all possible areas (ideas, experiences, images, and symbols, among others) related to the topic at hand to get fresh insights
  • Mind Mapping
    1. Creative way of exploring ideas through a graphic or visual presentation
    2. Expands your brain by using words, images, numbers, colors, and spatial awareness
    3. Uses mental skills that enhance brain activity to produce ideas, learn through clearer thinking, and perform better
    • How to Mind Map?
    • Begin at the center of a blank page to give your brain the freedom to expand your ideas freely in different directions
    • Choose a central idea and give it a visual representation to make it appealing, catch your attention, and keep you focused
    • Put colors on your work to make it appear vibrant and exciting
    • Draw main branches around your central idea to stand for the associations you make with it. Use one key word for each association. Connect other branches (second- or third-level branches) to expand your thinking. This helps you get a clearer understanding of your central ideas and helps you remember them
    • Curve your branches to make them appealing
    • Use images to represent your ideas in your mind map. It helps spark words or ideas in your head
    • Thomas Alva Edison epitomizes optimism, persistence, and imagination
    • He did not complete formal education, yet he persevered in his pursuit to discover new things by generating thousands of ideas as his optimism high and remained focused on his invention
    • He considered his hearing problem a "grace" rather than a setback
    • Behind the famous saying, "Genius is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration." and "I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
  • Mental Health
    • The World Health Organization (WHO) defines mental health as a "state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community."
    • Is also related to high-level wellness
  • Wellness
    • Broad subject with concepts related to it that are encompassing
    • Wellness pioneer John Travis was quoted as saying: Wellness begins when an individual sees himself or herself as a growing, changing person
    • High-level wellness means giving care to the physical self, using the mind constructively, channeling stress energies positively expressing emotions effectively, becoming creatively involved with others, and staying in touch with the environment
  • Psychological Well-Being
    Not only about having positive emotions but also refers to several positive psychological functions: Self-Acceptance, Positive Relations, Autonomy, Environmental Mastery, Purpose in Life, Personal Growth
  • Self-Acceptance
    You accept yourself and have a positive attitude toward who you are. Moreover, there is acceptance of what happened to you in the past
  • Positive Relations
    You have warm, trusting, and satisfying relationships with others. There is give and take in your relationships
  • Autonomy
    You are independent and can resist social pressures. You can manage or control your behavior. You evaluate yourself based on your standards
  • Environmental Mastery
    You can manage you environment and maximize the opportunities that match your values and suit your personal needs
  • Purpose in Life
    You strive to have meaning in your life by setting goals, directions, and intentions for what you do
  • Personal Growth
    You commit yourself to developing your potential and becoming the best person you can be
  • The level of well-being depends on how you are balances and whole across those given dimensions
    • Mental health and well-being are vital, as they allow you to live fully and function at your best
    • Good mental health also enhances your ability to relate to others, resulting in satisfying, healthy relationships. Puts you in a good mood and lets you focus and make better choices
    • Good mental health positively affects your physical health. Remember that the body and mind are connected
  • Common Problems Among Adolescents
    • Problem with Attention/Focusing
    • Mood Swings
    • Low Self-Esteem
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Eating Problems
    • Substance Abuse
  • Problem with Attention/Focusing
    • Sometimes, you get excited about many things around you that you lose focus. Aside from your studies, you still have other activities (sports, music/bans, outreach, weekend time with friends and family, a part-time job, among others)
    • The ability to focus may be temporary. It may be due to certain life events or situations. However, if it becomes chronic enough that it already affects your normal functioning for quite a long time, it may be Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder - a chronic problem of attention, hyperactivity, and/or impulsivity
  • Mood Swings

    • Moods are less intense and specific but take longer than emotions
    • Mood swings would mean a fast shifting of moods
    • Mood disorders – these are types of mental disorders characterized by emotional disturbances that affect the physical, social, perceptual, and thought processes of an individual. (ex.: bipolar disorder)
  • Low Self-Esteem

    • Self-esteem refers to how well you regard yourself
    • Teenagers with low self-esteem cannot maximize their talents and skills
    • Low self-esteem also affects the ability to establish friendships or satisfy personal relationships
  • Anxiety
    • It usually happened when we are anticipating something, are fearful of adverse events, or are faced with difficult situations. It becomes a problem when it is a chronic or too much
    • It is serious when it already affects your normal functioning, like when you start experiencing sleeplessness, fear, or restlessness that you cannot explain
    • Anxiety disorder – these are classes of disorders marked by extreme worry and apprehension. (ex.: panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, a
  • Mood disorders

    Types of mental disorders characterized by emotional disturbances that affect the physical, social, perceptual, and thought processes of an individual (e.g. bipolar disorder)
  • Self-esteem
    How well you regard yourself
  • Teenagers with low self-esteem
    • Cannot maximize their talents and skills
    • Affects the ability to establish friendships or satisfy personal relationships
  • Anxiety
    Happens when we are anticipating something, are fearful of adverse events, or are faced with difficult situations. It becomes a problem when it is chronic or too much
  • Anxiety disorder
    Classes of disorders marked by extreme worry and apprehension (e.g. panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder)