Cards (166)

  • Autotrophic
    Does not mean autonomous
  • Plants need
    • Sun
    • Inorganic compounds as raw materials
  • Sun
    As an energy source
  • Inorganic compounds as raw materials

    • Water
    • CO2
    • Minerals
  • Plants
    • Are dependent on soil quality
    • Texture/Structure (Relative amounts of various sizes of soil particles)
    • Composition (Organic & inorganic chemical components, Fertility)
  • Digestive System phases
    • Ingestion
    • Movement
    • Mechanical and Chemical Digestion
    • Absorption
    • Elimination
  • Types of Digestion
    • Mechanical (Physical) (Chew, Tear, Grind, Mash, Mix)
    • Chemical (Enzymatic reactions to improve Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids)
  • Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract
    A tube within a tube, Direct link/path between organs
  • Structures of the GI Tract
    • Mouth
    • Pharynx
    • Esophagus
    • Stomach
    • Small Intestine
    • Large Intestine
    • Rectum
  • Mouth
    Teeth mechanically break down food into small pieces, Tongue mixes food with saliva and contains amylase to help break down starch, Epiglottis is a flap-like structure at the back of the throat that closes over the trachea preventing food from entering it
  • Esophagus
    Approximately 20 cm long, Secretes mucus, Moves food from the throat to the stomach using muscle movement (Peristalsis), Heartburn is when acid from the stomach gets in the Esophagus
  • Stomach
    Is a J-shaped muscular bag that stores the food you eat and breaks it down into tiny pieces, Mixes food with Digestive Juices that contain enzymes to break down Proteins and Lipids, Acid (HCl) kills Bacteria, Chyme is the location in the stomach where food can be found
  • Small Intestine
    Are roughly 7 meters long, Nutrients from the food pass into the bloodstream through the small intestine walls, Secretes digestive enzymes, Absorbs 80% ingested water, Vitamins, Minerals, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Villi are the lining of the intestine walls with finger-like projections that increase surface area, Microvilli further increase surface area for absorption
  • Large Intestine
    About 1.5 meters long, Accepts what small intestines don't absorb, Main function is bacterial digestion (ferment carbohydrates), Absorbs more water, Concentrate wastes
  • Rectum
    Short term storage which holds feces before it is expelled
  • Accessory Glands
    • Liver (Directly affects digestion by producing bile, Bile helps digest fat, Filters out toxins and waste including drugs and alcohol and poisons)
    • Gallbladder (Stores bile from the liver, releases it into the small intestine, Fatty diets can cause gallstones)
    • Pancreas (Produces digestive enzymes to digest fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, Regulates blood sugar by producing insulin)
  • Adaptations of Frogs: LSLN
    • Legs (Enabled the amphibian to move about the land much easier than the lobe-finned fish ancestors)
    • Skeleton (Without the water to provide some buoyancy, the amphibian needed a strong frame to hold up its body while on land)
    • Lungs (Are necessary for living on land to extract oxygen from the air, Are not very efficient so they also use their moist skin as an oxygen exchanger while swimming in water)
    • Nictitating Membrane (Is a thin, transparent membrane that covers the eyes, Protects the eyes from debris in the water and protects the eyes from drying out while on land)
  • Features of Amphibians
    • External nares (nostrils)
    • Two tympanic membranes (eardrums)
    • Two eyes (has three lids, Nictitating Membrane is the third lid used to protect the eye from debris and prevent the eye from drying when on land)
    • Vomerine Teeth (Can be found in the middle of the roof of the mouth)
    • Two Maxillary Teeth (Can be found at the sides of the mouth)
    • Tongue (Is attached at the front, Is not as pliable)
    • Countershading (The belly side of the frog is lighter in color than the top or dorsal side, Allows for camouflage from both above and below viewpoints)
    • Pharynx (Is found inside the mouth, behind the tongue and retrieves food, Has several openings: Glottis, Eustachian tubes, Larynx (Voice Box))
  • Digestive System of Frog
    • Stomach (Stores and churns the food and begins chemical digestion)
    • Small Intestine (Main organ of digestion, Is where the nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream)
    • Bile (Is digestive juice made by the liver, Liver is also involved in detoxifying blood and producing proteins needed for digestion, Stored in the gallbladder)
    • Pancreatic Juice (A digestive juice from the pancreas)
    • Large Intestine (Water is reabsorbed from the undigested food)
    • Cloaca (Is the common exit chamber of the digestive, excretory, and reproductive systems)
  • Respiratory System of Frog
    • Nostrils
    • Larynx (Opens into two lungs– hollow sacs with thin walls)
    • Capillaries (Fill the lungs, Are microscopic blood vessels through which materials pass into and out of the blood)
  • Circulatory System of Frog: BHBS
    • Blood Vessels
    • Heart (Has two receiving chambers or atria and one sending chamber or ventricle)
    • Blood (Is carried to the heart in vessels)
    • Spleen (Is the organ that serves as a reservoir for blood, It also functions to remove old, worn-out blood cells from the circulatory system)
  • Urinary System of Frog: BCKU
    • Bladder
    • Cloaca
    • Kidneys (Are organs that filter the blood of impurities)
    • Ureters (Connects both kidneys, Urinary Bladder is a sac that stores urine until it passes out of the body through the cloaca)
  • Male Reproductive System of Frog: CST
    • Cloaca
    • Sperm Ducts (Is where the sperm moves through)
    • Testes (Produce sperm or male sex cells)
  • Female Reproductive System of Frog: UCOO
    • Uteri
    • Cloaca
    • Ovaries (Produce eggs or female sex cells)
    • Oviducts (Is where the eggs move through)
  • Central Nervous System of Frog: BSSCCPOO
    • Brain
    • Skull
    • Spinal Cord (Spinal Nerves branch out from it and can be visible in the abdominal cavity of the frog)
    • Cerebrum (Main area of the brain that helps the frog respond to its environment)
    • Cerebellum (Portion of the brain involved with muscle coordination and allows the frog to maintain balance)
    • Pineal Body or Pineal Gland (Small gland in the brain that is involved with the processes of hibernation or estivation)
    • Optic Lobe (Portion of the brain devoted to the sense of vision)
    • Olfactory Lobe (Portion of the brain devoted to the sense of smell)
  • Skeletal and Muscular System of Frog
    • Bones and Joins
    • Voluntary Muscles (Which are those over which the frog has control, occur in pairs of flexors and extensors)
  • Eschatology
    Means "the last things", "the last realities"
  • Last things in life
    • Death
    • Heaven
    • Hell
    • Purgatory
    • Judgment
    • Eternal life
    • Resurrection
    • Afterlife
    • Eternal peace
  • Death
    Separation of the body and the soul in a length of time, Separation of the body from the soul (End of life here on Earth), Physical death = physical separation, Real death = separation from God (life), External death - happens after the final judgment (Parousia), Consequence of sin from Adam and Eve, Sickness, getting old
  • Two kinds of sins
    • Personal - individual acts but can affect everyone
    • Original - Adam and Eve (we also contribute)
  • Sin
    Failure to achieve true self-expression, Hurts himself/herself
  • There is no reincarnation in Christianity
  • Fundamental option

    A kind of direction based on our choices (I choose good over evil, I have chosen good over evil all my days)
  • The length of life is not what counts but the meaning of it. Meaningfulness of the life you have lived
  • Heaven
    The eternal destination of one's righteous soul to rest in the kingdom of God, The kingdom of God where heavenly beings like angels reside, A state/condition of peace, fullness of life being with God, No more pain, sorrow, and suffering
  • Heaven and universe are different in time
    Heaven = kairos, Universe = chronos
  • Qualities of the Resurrected Body or the Glorified Body
    • Brightness (body filled with glory and beauty, no weakness nor trace of any sinfulness)
    • Agility
    • Subtlety (nothing can hinder our body, can pass through walls without damaging)
    • Impassibility (no more passion/suffer)
  • Destiny of the Soul
    • Heaven - perfect
    • Purgatory - imperfect
    • Hell - rejects - mercy and grace. You will only suffer in hell
  • Eschatological Realities in the Apostle's Creed
    • Judgment (He will come to judge the living and the dead)
    • Resurrection
    • Life everlasting
  • Other Eschatological Terms
    • Eschaton - the last realities (judgment, resurrection, eternal life)
    • Parousia - the second coming of Jesus, there will be judgment
    • Viaticum - the food that strengthens the soul in its journey to heaven
    • Beatific Vision - we will be able to see God face to face
    • Eternal Retribution- There will be evaluation of our life. The good things we did will have merits/rewards while the evil things we did will have punishments