Jesus was a wise teacher, we know this because he used parables to explain things that were beyond his time
Jesus was a miracle maker
He carried out many miracles such as healing the paralytic and calming a storm
Importance for being able to trust that Jesus cares about us and has the power to help us
Jesus was a liberator (freer) of the oppressed
There are stories from the New Testament where Jesus spent time with people who were rejected by society
It has importance because it shows us how we should treat others today
Jesus was the Saviour
Importance for Christians because it means that our sins can be forgiven
Empirical evidence
A way of knowing what is true using our sense experience
Empirical evidence
The Big Bang Theory
Holy books
A way of knowing what is true for believers, including as literalfacts or as symbolicstories
Religious experience
A way of knowing what is true
Paley's design argument
Tries to show that God exists from the observation that there is order in the naturalworld
Fine tuning argument
Supports the existence of God, using examples of how our planet is 'just right' for human life to exist
Cosmological arguments
Try to show that God exists from the idea that everything, including the universe must have a cause
Jesus was god incarnate, this means...?
God in humanform
Compatibilist view: They recognise many different genres in the Bible and believe that at least some parts of the Bible should be read metaphorically (symbolically).
Complimentarian view: Holy Books complement (add to) knowledge gained from empirical evidence. Their purpose is not to explain or answer scientific and historical questions, but to bring us into relationship with God.
Conflict view: Empirical evidence’ for scientific theories conflicts with a literal reading of the Bible. They are ‘incompatible’, so ‘Only one explanation is correct.’