the multi-store model of memory

Cards (16)

  • the multi store model is made up of 3 levels: sensory memory, short term memory and long term memory
  • each of the 3 main components can be discussed in terms of coding capacity and duration
  • coding of sensory register: from different senses
    • iconic memory: stores visual info
    • echoic memory: stores auditory info
  • capacity of sensory register: potentially unlimited
  • duration of sensory register: only held for a brief time (little as a second)
    • this is because it quickly processes incoming sensory information, making way for new data.
  • sensory register:
    • transfer to short-term memory: only occurs if attention is paid to the sensory information.
  • coding for STM: info enters acoustically
    capacity: 7 plus or minus 2 items
  • duration for STM:
    • Peterson and Peterson found recall for consonant syllables dropped after about 30 seconds.
    • Maintenance rehearsal: Keeps information "alive" in STM.
    • Elaborative rehearsal: Promotes storage in long-term memory.
  • coding for LTM: info stores semantically
    capacity: unlimited, but new info may require discarding old info
    duration: potentially infinite, as memories can persist from childhood to old age, although they may fade over time.
    • to transfer info to LTM: info must be held in STM and elaborately rehearsed
    • Elaborative rehearsal: Deep thought about the information, not just repetition.
    • which means damage to STM may hinder transfer to LTM.
  • to recall, info from LTM must be retrieved into STM
    • Maintenance rehearsal: Keeps items in STM
  • clive wearing pt 1
    P - Clive Wearing's case provides evidence in support of MSM of memory
    E - he suffered an infection which lead to amnesia, which made him unable to form new long-term memories. however he was able to engage in conversations lasting 20-30 seconds, indicating intact short-term memory.
  • clive wearing pt 2
    E - this aligns with the nature of memory processing proposed by the MSM, where information must pass through short-term memory before being integrated into long-term memory. Wearing's inability to encode new information into long-term memory due to his amnesia shows a disruption in this process.
    L - Therefore, Wearing's case serves as a compelling example of the principles outlined in the Multi-Store Model, providing support for its validity in understanding memory processes.
  • P - on the other hand, certain studies like KF, present evidence that challenges MSMs validity.
    E - KF suffered brain damage from a motor accident, resulting in impaired verbal memory but intact visual memory.
    E - KF's condition highlights the limitations of the MSM in considering different types of information processing within STM
    L - So, KF's study makes us question the MSM and how it explains different kinds of memory processing.
  • P - Another limitation of the Multi-Store Model (MSM) is that much of its supporting research was conducted in artificial laboratory settings.
    E - These experiments often involved tasks like recalling strings of numbers or letters, which aren't typical of everyday memory use.
    E - Because the settings and tasks were so different from real life, the studies lacked ecological validity and mundane realism .
    L - this means that the studies supporting MSM lack external validity and the findings may not generalise to memory in the real world