tom and jerry, hungarian rhapsody no. 2 - franz liszt
tchaikovsky - famous for ballet mnusic, peaked at his last 10 years, died due to cholera
his music includes:
swan lake
sleeping beauty
the nutcracker
fatum r&j
chopin - poet of the piano, world-renowned pianist and composer, started playing at 4, composed polonaise at 7
his music include:
paganini - mandolin at 5, violin at 7, most famous violin virtuoso, his violin skills were a gift from the devil - in exhange for his soul, has a problem with women and gambling
romantic music - cultural movement, stresses emotion, imagination, individualism, freedom of expression
piano - freeform, fantasy, rhapsody, ballade, nocturne
program - images and scenes w/o text or lyrics
violin and string - most prominent in western, ensemble and solo instruments
elements of music
texture - layers of music, relationship between
rhythm - long or short sound
form - order and arrangement
Series of pitches = tune, horizontal arrangement, specific duration
Tom and Jerry, Hungarian Rhapsody No.2
By Franz Liszt
Famous compositions of Tchaikovsky
Swan Lake
Sleeping Beauty
The Nutcracker
Fatum R&J
1812 Overture
Symphony 2
Symphony 6 (Pathetic)
Piano Concerto
Poet of the piano, world-renowned pianist and composer, started playing at 4, composed polonaise at 7
Chopin's compositions
Mandolin at 5, violin at 7, most famous violin virtuoso, "amazing violin skills were a gift from devil" exchange his soul, women and gambling
Paganini's compositions
La Campanella
24 Caprices for Solo Violin Op 1
Concerto No. 1, E Minor Op 6
15 Quarters for Guitar and Strings Trio
Carnival of Venice
Romantic Music
Cultural movement stresses emotion, imagination, individualism, and freedom of expression
Program: conveys images and scenes, no text or lyrics
Violin and string: most prominent in western, ensemble and solo instrument
Elements of Music
Texture: layers of music, relationship between
Rhythm: long or short sound, pattern of sound and emphasis
Form: order and arrangement of music
Characteristics of Neoclassicism and Romanticism
Neoclassicism (1780-1840): trend in decorative and visual arts, literature, theater, music, architecture (inspired by ancient Greece and Rome's classical), age of enlightenment, age of reason: philosophers believed that questions = answers
Romanticism (1800-1810): trend emphasized emotion, individualism, delicate at stormy presentation, historical, supernatural, social justice, nature, medieval>classical, landscape painting popular
Characteristics of Neoclassical Architecture: mid 18th century, turned away from grandeur of rococo and late baroque, derived from classical Greece and Rome and Italian architect: Andrea Palladio
Types of Neoclassical Architecture
Temple Style: based on ancient temple, peristyle: continuous columns (rare feature in renaissance)
Palladian Style: balustrade: railing with vertical supports, along the edge of the roof, classical method of crowning a building
Classical Block Style: rectangular or square plan, flat roof and exterior rich, exterior has classical pattern of series of arches and columns, huge classically decorated block
First Aid: immediate and temporary care given to a person who suddenly gets ill or injured, self-help, home care if medical assistance is delayed
Primary Survey
Check for consciousness, open airway (find out if loss of muscular control, lift chin at tilt head = lift tongue), check for breathing (put face near mouth, chest movement, breathing), check circulation (pulse using middle and index, poor blood = fatal, CPR)
Secondary Survey
History taking, vital signs, pulse rate
Steps in Assessing Emergency Situation
Survey and assess
Visit hospital or band aid
Stop bleeding
Symptoms of shock
Medical alert tag
Trained medical assistance
Don't give by mouth if unconscious
10. Wait for professionals
Dressing and Bandages
Dressing: sterile cloth covers wound
Bandages: apply pressure to bleeding, cover wounds and burns, provide support of immobilization
Triangle: cold compress, padding or support
Ace: secures dressing
Tubular: support joints, smaller injuries
Open phase: top and back of chest, head, back, hand, foot
Cravat phase: need extra support like eye, forehead, ear, cheek, jaw, shoulder, hip, arm, leg, elbow, knee, palm
Kinds of Wounds
Puncture: piercing wound caused by pointy objects
Abrasion: rubbing or scraping the skin
Incision: cut caused by sharp objects
Laceration: blunt breaking or tearing of soft tissues
Avulsion: forcable tearing or partial tearing of tissues
Ways of Transporting an Injured Person
Fireman's carry: easiest to support someone lighter and smaller
Piggy back: victim is like a bag
Pack strap carry: victim is smaller than the aider
Shoulder drag: smooth, short distance
Fireman's drag or tied hands crawl: if first aider must crawl underneath a structure
Blanket drag: victim is seriously injured, cannot be lifted
Chair or seat carry: 2 aiders, chair
Hammock carry: 3 aiders
Bearer alongside: 3 aiders, side
Six man lift carry: 6 aiders
R.I.C.E. Method
Learning Competencies
Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
Identify the different festivals celebrated all over the country throughout the year
Executes the skills involved in the dance
Activating prior knowledge
Festival dance
Cultural dances performed with the strong beats of percussion instruments by a community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of a Patron saint or as a thanksgiving for a bountiful harvest
Types of festival dances
Religious festival dances
Celebrated in honor of a certain religious icon usually on the feast day of its patron saint
Secular festival dances
Celebrated in thanksgiving or celebration of people's industry and bountiful harvest
Aliwan Festival
A gathering and battle of all festivals within the country or the Mother of all festivals
Locomotor movements
Movements that allow you to move from one point in space to another