Alabama's congressional districts discriminated against African American Voters
Bostock V Clayton County
Protected employees against discrimination of sexuality or gender identity (ruled that 1964 civil rights act covered gay rights)
Carpenter V US
court held that the government violates 4th amendment rights when accessing phone records without a warrant.
Caetano V Massachusetts
court ruled that the second amendment extends to 'all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that that were not in existence at the time of founding' (referring to tasers)
Hall V Florida
court ruled no one under 18 or with an intellectual disability can be killed by death penalty
Obergefell V Hodges
legalised gay marriage - protected by 14th amendment
DC V Heller
upheld second amendment rights, DC's handgun ban violated this
Snyder V Phelps
free speech in public, even if deemed offensive or to cause distress , is not limited (protests at gay soldiers funeral)
Biden V Nebraska
Biden wanted to use 2003 Heroes Act to forgive student debt for low-income families
SC ruled this was beyond his powers using this act
Salinas V Texas
simply remaining silent doesn't invoke the 5th amendment right to silence.
remaining silent before being read your miranda rights can be used against you as evidence
NFIB V Sebellius
upheld congress' power to enact most provisions of ACA (including fines for not having health insurance)
guarantees accused criminals a lawyer - 5th and 6th amendment
freedom of press protected even when gov is against it