Bohemians relies on our ability to love and feeling of being loved
We are created to love and to receive love
Person is a social being
We cannot live alone
Love as giving is selfless
love as using is for selfish reasons
Love as using is called Lust
Lust is to see the other person as a way to satisfy ones sexual desires
Dating is about gainingfriends,getting to know others more
Sex is God's Gift
St. John Paul II said that our bodies make visible the invisible
Body is the extension of our souls
Chastity is to moderate our sexual desires, we try to moderate our feelings so that we do not commit an act.
Modesty is showing respect for people who are committed to living chaste lives.
Prudence is an intellectual virtue that allows us to decide whether a situation is a temptation or not.
Believe in Me talks about saving virginity, keep pure, giving trust to yourself
Kristie Wellman talked about believe in me
Pope John Paul II said it is the nature of human beings, and especially youth, to seek the Absolute, the meaning, and fullness of life
Jason Evert said if a guy is exchanging the marital act with a woman before he marries her, he has made the mistake of asking for her heart before he is willing to hold and guard it with his life.
Marriage is the moment that you profess your fidelity to your partner
Pornographic materials destroy our definiton of love
use of contraception is a form of lust.
4 marks of true love are free, total, faithful, truthful
Free - freely chose to love another person
Total - total self-giving to another person
Faithful - only love 1 person
Truthful - couple is honest and truthful and keep no secrets
Celibacy are people who abstain from the sexual act like priests, nuns, monks
Celibacy choose to give up human love for the love of God.
Purity is not just the goal of single individuals, but also of married people.
Virtues to show respect human sexuality are chastity, modesty, prudence