Consent : Participants should be fully aware they can withdraw at any point.
Confidentiality : Real names should never be used
Deception : avoid deceiving participants in any way throughtout the study
Debriefing : Participants should be informed of the true aim, right to withdraw data and reassured/offered counselling at the end
Protection from harm : No physical or psychological harm should be caused
The BPS code of conduct states that psychologists must not use deceptive practices unless it is absolutely necessary (e.g. if the aim of the experiment would otherwise fail)
Psychologists have to consider the potential harm that may come from their studies, especially when working with vulnerable groups such as children or people with mental health problems
experimental designs - independant groups
participants take part in one condition
strength : avoidsorder effects and rehearsal of the study
weakness: individual differences are a concern, due to multiple groups
strength of independant groups
avoids order effects and rehearsal of the study
weakness of independant
individual differences are a concern, due to multiple groups
3experimental groups
3 experimental designs
Independant groups
Repeated measures
Matched pairs
experimental designs - repeated measures
Participants take part in all conditions
strength :fewer people needed due to repeated participation
weakness : order effects occur since they take part multiple times
sampling methods
Random sampling
Participants have an equal chance of being selected
strength : no bias
weakness: time consuming
strength of random sampling
no bias
Opportunity sampling
uses who is avaliable and willing athe time
strength : avoids researcher bias
weakness : unrepresentative
strength of oppotunity sampling
no reasearcher bias
weakness of opportuity sampling
systemtic sampling
participants are selected from a list (every nth person)
strength : avoids researcher bias
weakness : unrepresentative
stratified sampling
selects participants in proportion to the target population
strength : most representative method
weakness : very lengthy process
strength : they can gather info from lots of people quickly, generalistaion is easier
weakness : respondents may not answer truthfully, may give socially desirable answers and lie
strength of questionnaires
can gather info from lots of people quickly, generalistaion is easier and data is oftern easier to analyse
weakness of quesionnaires
respondents may lie, and give socially desirable answers then their real feelings
strength of interviews
the only way to obtain information from people who can;t write and find it difficult to express feelings on paper
weakness of interviews
can be difficult to analyse, researcher may end up with lots of information
structured interviews
interviewer reads a list of prepared questions exact script
strength of quantitive data
quite easy to analyse
primary data
researcher had collected the information first hand
secondary data weakness
study conducted may not match what researher wants, may be out of date