Enzymes, substrates, and reagents for biochemistry

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  • Starch hydrolysis: Amylose -> Enzyme: Amylase-> Mono and di-saccharides, Reagent: Iodine
  • DNAase: DNA-> Enzyme: DNAas—>Nucleotides, Reagents: Hydrochloric acid
  • Carbohydrate fermentation: Sugar->acid with or without gas
  • PR broth and Durham tubes for carbohydrate fermentation use Phenol Red as a pH indicator.
  • PR broth: peptones+oxygen -> alkaline end-products
  • Carbohydrate fermentation using TSI Slants: H2S+Fe++—>FeS and Phenol Red
  • Urea Hydrolysis: Urea+water->Enzyme: Urease-> Ammonia and CO2, Phenol Red pH indicator
  • MacConkey Agar: Selective and differential media and contains bile salts and crystal violet agents. Neutral red pH indicator and positive result turns bubble-gum pink
  • Indole: Tryptophan+water->Enzyme: Tryptophanase-> indole+pyruvate+ammonia Reagent: Kovac’s Indole
  • Methyl Red: Glucose-> mixed acids, Reagent Methyl Red
  • Voge-Proskaur: Glucose->AMC-> butylene glycol Reagents: Alpha napthol and potassium hydroxide
  • Citrate: Citrate-> alkaline end products, Bromthymol blue pH indicator
  • Catalase: Hydrogen peroxide-> Enzyme: Catalase-> Water+Oxygen
  • Mannitol Salt Agar: Selective and Differential medium which a selective agent of 7.5% NaCl. pH Phenol Red
  • Hemolysis: Blood Agar that is made with 5% sheep blood cells and is a differential medium