Level I: Manipulate objects with hands and walk independently, Gets up from sitting without holding unto something, Can climb stairs, Walk indoors and outdoors, climb stairs
Level II: Belly crawls, pull to stand on furniture and cruise, Can assume sitting position without assistance, walk with assistive device, Sitting with both hands free, walk short distances without assistive device, Walk indoors or outdoors on level surface only
Level III: Can roll and creep forward on stomach, 'w' sit and require adult assistance to assume sitting, Walk with assistive device, Walk indoors or outdoors on level surface with an assistive mobility device
Level IV: Can roll independently, Able to roll and creep, can sit when placed, but need both hands on the floor, Sit independently in a chair but minimal hand function, Rely on wheeled mobility, may achieve self-mobility using assistive device
Level V: Limited voluntary movements, no head control, Requires adult assistance to roll, All areas of motor functions are limited, Functional limitations in sitting and standing are not fully compensated for through the use of assistive device