Vital Stat

Cards (34)

  • Vital statistics refers to e systematic stUdy of vital events.
  • Statistics refers to a systematic approach of obtaining, organizing, and analyzing nUmerical facts so that conclUsion may be drawn from them.
  • Rate is a ratio involving a time period.
  • RAte is tha coUnt or measUrement is observed over a period and then divided by its base/popUlation of observation.
  • Ratio is called a proportion in e qUotient of 2 nUmbers.
  • CrUde/general rates - referred to e total living popUlation.
  • Specific rate - the relationship is for specific popUlation class/groUp.
  • Cases - people afflicted w/ a diseases.
  • Incidence rate (IR)- Measure the frequency of occurrence of the phenomenon during a given period of time.
  • Prevalence Rate (PR) - measures the proportion of the population which exhibits a particular disease at a particular time.
  • Prevalence Rate (PR) - this can only be determined following a survey of the population concerned
  • Attack Rate (AR) - is a special incidence rate calculated for a particular population for a single disease outbreak and expressed as a percentage.
  • Prevalence - determined by means of sUrvey.
  • NUmerator - refers to the no. of times an event has occUred in a popUlation dUring a specified time.
  • Denominator - It May Be Related To Population Mid Year Population.
  • Valid measures what supposed to measure.
  • Precise/reliable same results if used by different individuals in similar circumstances.
  • Relevant contribute to the phenomenon of interest.
  • CBR - is roUgh of the fertility of the popUlation.
  • The rate is called crUde for the ff. reason: Only live birts are coUnted.
  • The CBR and CDR are statistical values that can be utilized to measure the growth or decline of a population.
  • Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) - Measure the risk of dying due to the process of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium.
  • NDR - Measures the risk of dying in the first four weeks of life of the infant (newborn
  • Fetal Death Rate (FDR) - Measures the risk of dying before birth
  • Global crude birth in 2005 - 20.15 per 1000
  • Germany - 8.33
  • 51.33 in Nigeria
  • 14.14 - USA
  • The where - hardest
  • The nature and extent of imbalance depends on the nature and characteristics of
    host and agent.
  • Host&Agent - The characteristics of two are influenced considerably the condition of the
  • The natural history of diseases comprises the body of knowledge about the agent-host-environmentalfactors relating to the disease process.
  • Sensitive - reflects small changes in health status.
  • Feasible - ability to obtain data needed.