1.3 - the incarnation

Cards (4)

  • what is the incarnation?
    • god became a human being in jesus christ
    • mary had a virgin birth, jesus was concieved by the holy spirit
    • makes him different, important as conception through sex creates a normal human
    • through the incarnation, god began process of salvation from sin - possible to have relationship with god and go to heaven
  • luke's gospel
    • mary was visited by an angel, her and joseph travelled from nazareth to bethlehem, where jesus was born
    • shepherds were told of birth by angels
  • john's gospel
    • records the incarnation in a theological way rather than a story
    • jesus was the word who was with god at the beginning, became flesh at the incarnation
  • importance of the incarnation
    • shows god's love - sent his son to show how to live and what god is like
    • basis of faith - no christianity without jesus
    • humans can see what god is like through jesus