Cards (15)

  • Principles of Community
    • Focus on the community as a unit of care
    • Give priority to community needs
    • Promote healthful physical and psychosocial environment
    • Focus on primary prevention
    • Work with the community as an equal partner of the health team
    • Reach out to all who may benefit from a specific service
    • Promote optimum use of resources
    • Collaborate with others working in the community
  • Preventive measures include immunization programs, screening tests, early detection and treatment of diseases, healthy lifestyle practices, and environmental control measures.
  • The purpose of the health care system is to promote, protect, maintain, restore and improve the physical, mental and social well-being of individuals.
  • Health promotion refers to activities that are aimed at improving the overall health status of an individual or community by addressing determinants of health such as education, income, employment, housing, environment, nutrition, accessibility to healthcare services, etc.
  • The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as "a process that enables people to increase control over their own health and improve it"
  • Health promotion is defined by WHO as "the process of enabling people to increase control over their own health." It involves empowering individuals and communities to take responsibility for their own health through education, access to information, and opportunities for self-care.
  • Health promotion refers to activities that enhance individual's ability to make informed choices about their own health and wellness.
  • Community nursing focuses on promoting health and preventing illnesses within the community setting.
  • Secondary Prevention involves detecting disease or injury at its earliest stage when it can be most effectively treated.
  • Secondary Prevention involves detecting disease at its earliest stages when it is still treatable and curable.
  • Tertiary Prevention aims to prevent complications and reduce disability associated with chronic illnesses.
  • The WHO also states that health promotion involves empowering people to take responsibility for their own health through education, information, support, and opportunities for action.
  • It focuses on promoting positive behaviors and lifestyles that can prevent disease and illness.
  • Health promotion aims to address the underlying causes of poor health rather than just treating symptoms.
  • Principles of Community
    • Focus on the community as a unit of care
    • Give priority to community needs
    • Promote healthful physical and psychosocial environment
    • Focus on primary prevention
    • Work with the community as an equal partner of the health team
    • Reach out to all who may benefit from a specific service
    • Promote optimum use of resources
    • Collaborate with others working in the community