Personal Income Tax

Cards (21)

  • True/False: Personal Income Taxes are the largest source of government revenue
  • How many days are you required to be in Canada to file taxes
  • What tax system was used prior to the 2000's
    tax on tax system
  • What tax system was used post-2000's in provinces except quebec
    tax on income system
  • What is the net tax liability
    sum of taxes owed minus tax credits and benefits
  • What is horizontal equity
    People who are equally well off before taxes should pay the same amount of taxes
  • What is veritcal equity
    Tax burdens should be fairly distributed across people with different abilities to pay
  • What is the third step in calculating individual tax liabilities in CANADA
    Apply the tax rate schedule to taxable income
  • What is the 5th step in calculating the individual tax liabilities in Canada
    Calculate the net tax owing, taking credit into account
  • What is the haig-simmons definition of income?
    Income is the monetary value of a net increase in an individuals consumption power
  • Which type of capital gains are taxed in Canada
  • What sources of income are included in the Haig-simmons definition of income but not in the Canadian PIT system
    -Unrealized capital gains
    -Gifts and Inheritances
    -Employer contributions to benefit up tot an annual limit
  • What is the formual for net income
    Total income - deductions
  • True/False: The gross tax liability is calculated on total income
  • What type of deductions in Canada are justified by the H-S income criterion
    All expenses in earning income and Alimony
  • What are refundable tax credits
    You receive these credits even if it leads to a negative net tax liability (i.e the gov.t owes you funds)
  • What are non-refundable tax credits?
    You only receive these credits to reduce the amount owing the government (only positive net tax liability)
  • A tax credit reduces the effective price of the good by the same percentage for all individuals
  • A deduction decreases the price by different percentages for different people
  • Does a deduction favour those with a higher/lower MTR more
  • What is a surtax
    Additional tax on high income earners(on top the regular provincial rate)