McCrae & Costa - Big Five

Cards (6)

  • In the 1980's, McCrae and Costa identified 5 fundamental personality traits:
    • Openness
    • Conscientiousness
    • Extraversion
    • Agreeableness
    • Neuroticism
  • Openness: A degree of intellectual curiosity, seeing multiple perspectives, being creative.
    Examples for LOW level openness: Dislikes change, doesn't enjoy trying new things, struggles to accept new ideas.
    Examples for HIGH level openness: Focused on tackling new challenges and experiences.
  • Conscientiousness: Tendency to pre-plan, stay disciplined, awareness of yourself and other people.
    Examples of LOW level conscientiousness: Procrastinates or fails to complete important tasks. Doesn't take care of things and fails to return items.
    Examples of HIGH level conscientiousness: Spends time preparing and working by a set schedule.
  • Extraversion: Comfortable in social settings, has high energy.
    Examples of LOW level Extraversion: Prefers being alone, finds it difficult to start conversations and make small talk.
    Examples of HIGH level Extraversion: Enjoys being the centre of attention and feels energised around people.
  • Agreeableness: Cooperating and communicating effectively, tendency to be compassionate.
    Examples of LOW level Agreeableness: Takes little interest in others and doesn't care how they feel. Manipulates others to get what they want.
    Examples of HIGH level Agreeableness: Has a great deal of interest in other people and their wellbeing.
  • Neuroticism: Unstable emotions and easily upset.
    Examples of LOW level neuroticism: Deals well with stressful situations, usually relaxed, rarely feels sad or depressed as they are quite emotionally stable.
    Examples of HIGH level neuroticism: Experiences a lot of stress as they are constantly worried about many things.