Turkish had underwater mines and pre-made forts around Peninsula
What is enfilade fire
gunfire directed at a formation or position
what is the difference between M.A.I.N
M - militarism; value of strong military
A - alliances; agreements between countries to providesupport
I - imperialism; managing one or more militaryforces
N - nationalism; aggressiveloyalty to one nation
What does the P in POCMAR stand for?
P - Perspective
What does the O in POCMAR stand for?
O - Origin
What does the C in POCMAR stand for?
C - Content
What does the M in POCMAR stand for?
M - Motive
What does the A in POCMAR stand for?
A - Audience
What does the R in POCMAR stand for?
R - Reliablity
Why did M.A.I.N cause WW1?
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism and Nationalism created tension and competition as the powers advanced. After buildup this tension eventually lead to the powers declaring war.
Why are trenches zig-zagged rather then straight?
prevents enfiladefire
contains explosion and infiltration to a smallerradius
Why are trenches zig-zagged rather than straight?

To prevent enfilade fire, and to contain any explosion or infiltration to a smaller radius.
Reasons for australia's enlistment?

Loyalty to the britishempire, and our mother country