Musical Play A form of theatrical presentation that is composed of combination of songs, spoken dialogue, acting dancing which make it more endearing and entertaining
Nostalgia Wistful affection for the past
Bemusement A condition of being confused
Acting Is accompanied with either songs or instrumental music
Dialogue Surface as lyrics of a song, The melody is used to highlight mood and tone
Scenery Is presented using props and symbolize locations like trees for a park, a chair or a table for a part of a house, a huge image of a car for street, etc.
Lighting and Other form of sound Are also added to produce effects. Instrumental music that carries parallel theme is included to establish the play's main theme
Score Writren by a composer, the music of the entire show, composed of a number of songs
Lyrics The words to the songs
Script Known as the book, is the dialogue that the actors speak
Broadway Musical It is America's contribution to musical drama, Characteristics of opera remains except for the recitative part because of spoken dialogue
According to KennyChan Music is used to establish mood and provide background noise. Music may be presented live or recorded
Music can be played on stage with instruments or sung by performers.
According to Kenny Chan Music is used to establish mood and provide background noise. Music may be presented live or recorded
Choreographer Creates dances and manages overall movements of the performance to match the director's vision
Director Organizes all of the elements and key players to his or her overall vision for the performance
Lighting Designer Make sure that everything on stage is seen or not seen according to plan. Set the mood of every scene.
Musical Director Conducts the actors while singing as well as the instrumentalist who play the score