Comes from greek word means that which is LEARNT or LESSON
Are regular, repeated or recurring forms or design
The father of numbers
Pioneered the study of the onthology of mathematics objects
Studied logic and issues related to infinity
Math exist objectively and independent of human thought
Holds that mathematics is a product of human imagination
Applied Mathematics
Is the branch of mathematics that are involved in the study of the physical, biological, or sociological world
Pure Mathematics
Is driven by abstract problems, rather than real world problems
Universal Turing Machine
Which began as an abstract idea later laid the groundwork for the development of the modern computer
If an object is not symmetrical
Line or Bilateral
Left and right portion are exactly the same
Radial or Rotational
Rotate the object by several degrees and you can still achieve the same appearance as the original position
Angle of Rotation
The smallest angle that a figure can be rotated while still preserving the original formation
Generate two identical halves when you cut it along its center
Leonardo of Pisa
Also known as Fibonacci
Recursive Definition
for a sequence is one in which each successive term of the sequence is defined by using some of the preceding terms
Logarithmic or Equiangular Spiral
Follows the rule that as distance from the spiral center increase
Golden Ratio
The ratios of successive Fibonacci numbers approach the number phi, ration between two numbers
a/b = phi ≈ 1.61803
May be a system of words or codes used within a discipline
Components of Language
Language must be
Mathematical Expression
Mathematical analogue of a noun
Mathematical Expressions
Is a name given to some mathematical object of interest
Real Numbers
Are usually named with lower case letters
Are usually named with capital letters
Mathematical Sentence
Is the analogue of english sentence,it is a correct arrangement of mathematical symbols that states a complete thought
Open Sentences
Some statement are true depending upon the number that is chosen for the variable
Some sentences that are impossible to determine their truthfulness because they present a contradiction
Are symbols or letters that may have one or more possible value
Are number with fixed value
Mathematical Constant
Speacial symbols that have exact numerical value
Mathematical Verb
Are symbols that show the relationship of at least expression
Undefined terms in mathematics and is described as a well defined collection of objects
Well Defined
Means that a given object can be categorically identified to belong to the collection or not
Set Notation
Are methods of representing sets
Axom of Extension
Says that a set is completely determined by what is elements are not the order in which they might be listed or the fact that some elements might be used more than once
Set Roster Notation
Writing of all its elements between braces
Set Builder Notation
A description of the elements of the set is specifically written