Indian explorer who surveyed the Himalayas and a large length of the Brahmaputra River
Nain Singh Rawat's data was seen as valuable by the RGS (RoyalGeographicalSociety in London) and PGS (ParisGeographicalSociety)
Daintree Forest
One of the oldest ecosystems on the planet (Estimate: 189millionyears old)
Alexander Von Humboldt
German explorer who traveled a lot and saw that more types of animals and plants lived in warmer places, which led him to think about habitats around the world (1769-1859)
A group of living and nonliving things that work together in nature
All the living things in an ecosystem react with the non-living parts
An ecosystem is a group of living and nonliving things that work together in nature
An organism that produces food at the beginning of a food chain (usually a plant)
An animal that is eaten or falls prey to a predator
An animal that feeds on preys or anotheranimal
An animal that eats bothplants and otheranimals
An animal that only eats otheranimals
An animal that onlyeatsplants
A term used to describe the number and variety of species in an ecosystem
The environment is where living things exist and how they're connected through nutrients and energy. An ecosystem has various habitats where differentorganisms live
All living organisms that live in a habitat
A place where a plant, animal or microbe lives
Biogeographical realms
Regions covering largeland and ocean areas, based on where songbirds such as sparrows are found
PhilipSclater, an English biologist, studied where songbirds, such as sparrows, lived globally and divided the Earth into biogeographicalrealms
Alfred Russel Wallace, a biologist from Wales, discovered that otheranimals he observed also fit into Sclater'ssystemofrealms
Concept that evolved
Karl Möbius
Germanzoologist who studiedoysterbanks along the Germancoastline to understand how they could be farmed
His research showed how living things interact within theircommunities
Terminvented by GermanbiologistErnstHaeckel in the 1860s to describe how animals, plants, and theenvironment, including weather and soil, interact with each other
The study of living things in their surroundings became a science, and the detailed study of ecosystems started
The tradition of exploring and surveying continues today with ecologists worldwide
Harry Leung
Researching endangered amphibians in Southeast Asian ecosystems
Hong Liu
Conservation ecologist studying plants globally to find those at risk of extinction
Focuses on ways to conserve them in ecosystems across India, China, Mexico, and North America
An animal that eats plants, other animals or both
Primary consumer
An animal that eats plants (This may be an herbivore or omnivore)
Tertiary consumer
An animal that eats secondary consumers (This may be a carnivore or omnivore)
Quaternary consumer
An animal that eatstertiaryconsumers
Top Carnivore
The animal at the end of the food chain
Food chain
A food chain shows how different organisms in an ecosystem eat each other for energy. like a sequence where one organism eats another to survive
Food web
A food web is a bunch of interconnected food chains that show how different organisms in an ecosystem eat each other. a big network showing who eats whom in nature
Keystone species
An animal or plant in an ecosystem that has a bigimpact on the otherspecies. It's like a keyplayer that helps keep the ecosystem balanced and healthy
Rainforests are found on landaround the middle of the planet
An ecosystem in which a community of plants,animals and microorganismslive in a hot wet environmentinside the forest
Plantlayers in a rainforest
Forest floor
The plant layers and the soil on the forest floor form the habitats of all the living things in the rainforest
In the soil, Microbesdecompose the deadplants and animalsquickly in the warmwetconditions