Depreciation - Is allocation of the cost of a non-current asset over its estimated useful life
Cause ofDepreciation:
Wear and tear
Legal limit
Wear and Tear - A non-current asset may decrease in value to physical wear and tear
Obsolescence - The asset may become obsolete or out of date as newer and more efficient assets are available due to technological advancements
Legal limit
A non-current asset may decrease in value due to legal limits set on the use of the asset such as lease
Matching Theory
1. When a business uses non-current assets to generate income, a portion of the cost of the non-current asset is recorded as depreciation expense, which will be matched against income
2. Total depreciation to dateisrecordedasaccumulateddepreciationanddeductedfromthecostofthenon-currentassetinthestatementoffinancial positiontoreducenetbookvalueoftheassetasitsusefulness expiresovertheperiodsofuse
Consistency Theory
Once an accounting method is chosen, this method should be applied to all future accounting periods to enable meaningful comparison
Consistency Theory
1. Unlessthereisachange in usage pattern, abusinessshould use thesamemethodofdepreciationandrateof depreciation everyfinancial period
2. Toenablemeaningfulcomparisonofnet book valueofnon-current assetsovertime