In the classical menu, the term entrée refers to the courses after the Grossepiece.
Entrees are divided into cold entrees and hot entrees.
The entrees are usually served as the maindish with suitable vegetable and saladgarnishes.
Both hot and cold entrees are frequently described as simpledishes on the menu, where they appear in various categories, such as hotsnacks garnishes for main dishes and specialties of the day.
The main difference between main grosses piece is that the entries are cut up before being cooked.
The grosses pieces are prepared in single large pieces
Why is it not possible to group the two types of dishes in the same category?They do not require the samemethods of preparation.
Give the four kinds of doneness of meat:RareMediumRareMediumWellDone
Rare – when pressed with a finger, the meat is very soft with jelly like texture.
MediumRare – when pressed with a finger, meat feels springy and resistant
Medium – when pressed with a finger, meat feels firm and there is a definite resistance.
Well Done – when pressed with a finger the meat feels hard and rough.
Meat consists of water protein and fat, with a few minerals and some Bvitamins.
Give the Nutrient Content of Meat: ProteinFatCarbohydratesVitaminsMinerals
Protein – High-quality protein is the major constituent of meat after water, accounting for about 20 percent of its weight. Meat contains 7 grams of protein per ounce.
Fat –content can vary widely, according to the grade of meat and its cut.
Carbohydrates – Meat contains very little carbohydrates, glycogen, found in liver and muscle tissue is present when the animal is alive, but the glucose that makes up the glycogen is broken down to lactic acid during and after slaughter.
Vitamins – Meat is an excellent source of certain B vitamins – thiamin (B., riboflavin (B2), pyridoxine (B6), vitamin (B12) niacin and some folate. Niacin is obtained from tryptophan, an amino acid plentiful in meats and milk.
Minerals – Meat is an excellent source of iron, zinc, copper, phosphorous, and a few other trace minerals.
Market forms of meat:FreshMeatChilled Meat CuredMeatProcessedMeat
Freshmeat – meat that is recently slaughtered, has not been preserved, frozen
Chilledmeat – meat that is placed in chiller or slightly cold
Curedmeat – meat preserved by salting, smoking or aging