war of 1812

Cards (16)

  • after the French Revolution, Napoleon had taken control of France and was at war with Great Britain in Europe
  • France's support of the American Revolution had offended and alienated Great Britain
  • Madison's reasons for declaring war
    1. trade wars between US and GB - each wanted control of European/North American trade
    2. impressment of American sailors - American sailors were 'kidnapped' for British navy
    3. Britain's support of Indigenous land claims
    4. American pro-war 'hawks' - want to expand into the Canadas
    5. manifest destiny - Americans believed they had a right to expand their territory to enhance wealth/power
  • America's goals for the war
    • remove all traces of Great Britain from North America
    • control the continent and its resources
  • BNA's defenses on the war
    • many resources taken by war in Europe
    • 2 men opposed US's plan to annex BNA - British General Isaac Brock and Shawnee leader Tecumseh
  • Tecumseh
    • convinced people to support the British for better survival chances
    • actively resisted white settlement, particularly the expansion plans of the Americans
    • Americans responded with warfare on First Nations
    • supported + encouraged by the British
  • surrender of Detroit
    • Brock - in charge of Upper Canada; joined forces with Tecumseh and chased US forces across the border
    • initiated a bold plan to take Fort Detroit from the Americans
    • without firing a single shot, the US forces surrendered in Detroit
  • Battle of Queenston Heights
    • October 13, 1812 - American forces attacked across the Niagara River at Queenston Heights
    • when he heard of the attack, Brock rushed to join the initial assault while the main body of British, Canadian, and Indigenous forces gathered
    • Brock led a charge to capture the Heights but got shot and killed
  • when the British army arrived at the Heights, they drove off the invaders - the Battle of Queenston Heights was over and Upper Canada was spared
  • leaders such as British regulars, French and English Canadian militias, and Indigenous warriors held back the Americans for another 2 years after Brock died
  • Tecumseh continued to resist the Americans, but finally fell on October 5, 1813 at the Battle of the Thames
  • British victories
    • had better strategy than US --> Forts Michilimackinac, Detroit, and Queenston Heights
    • attacked Bladensbrug and then marched on Washington, DC (the capitol)
    • GB burns down the White House in August 1814
  • American victories
    • Battle of Plattsburg Bay, New Orleans (after the Treaty of Ghent)
  • the Treaty of Ghent
    • both sides wanted to end war
    • signed on December 24, 1814
    • restored relations between the two nations to status quo ante bellum (returned everything to exactly what it was before the war)
    • no loss of territory on either side
  • consequences
    • since the Treaty of Ghent didn't change anything, no land changed hands, no money was owed to the other side (nobody really won)
    • British felt they had won bc the Americans failed to conquer Upper Canada + BNA --> solidified BNA's power
    • Americans felt they had won bc they beat the superpower that was Britain --> proved they could withstand GB
    • both countries saw an increase in national identity and pride --> called nationalism
  • consequences
    • Indigenous peoples - the war was a disaster --> they never will be in a position where they were almost equal to Europeans in power --> many had been killed in battles/raids on their villages --> the war brought failed hopes and broken promises