The role of educating others is she/he must both identify the information of learners need and consider their readiness to learn and their styles of learning
The learner is the single most important person in the education process
Educator - helping the learner become aware of what needs to be known
Good assessment - least amount of stress and anxiety for the learner
Informal conversations - learning needs will be discovered during informal conversations
Structured interviews -nurse asks the learner direct and often predetermined questions to gather about the learning needs
Focus group - using group discussion
Self administered questionnaires - learner’s written responses to questions about learning needs
Observation - observing health behaviora
Internal locus of control - internally motivated to learn
External locus of control - externally motivated
Left brain - prefer talking and writing, recognize/remembers names, solves
Right brain - prefer to draw and manipulate objects, recognize/remember faces, solve problems
Dunn and dunn learning style inventory - how individuals prefer to function, learn, concentrate and perform in their educational activities
KOLB’s model - cycle of learning, the learners is not a blank
Converger - good at decision making
Diverger - like to work in groups
Accommodator - impatient with other people
Assimilator - more concerned with abstract ideas than people
4MAT system - colbination of Kolb’s model with right/left brain research