Cards (63)

  • Qualitative content analysis
    A research method used to analyze and interpret the characteristics of various forms of communication, such as text, images, or audio
  • Qualitative content analysis

    1. Systematically analyzing the content
    2. Identifying patterns, themes, and other relevant features
    3. Drawing inferences or conclusions based on the findings
  • Types of content analysis
    • Quantitative content analysis
    • Qualitative content analysis
  • Quantitative content analysis
    Involves the systematic and objective counting and categorization of the content of a particular form of communication, such as text or video
  • Quantitative content analysis
    The data obtained is then subjected to statistical analysis to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between different variables
  • Quantitative content analysis
    Often used to study media content, advertising, and political speeches
  • Qualitative content analysis
    Concerned with the interpretation and understanding of the meaning and context of the content
  • Qualitative content analysis
    Involves the systematic analysis of the content to identify themes, patterns, and other relevant features, and to interpret the underlying meanings and implications of these features
  • Methods of content analysis
    • Conceptual analysis
    • Content analysis by frequency
    • Comparative analysis
    • Discourse analysis
    • Narrative analysis
  • Conceptual analysis
    Involves analyzing the meanings of key concepts used in the content being analyzed
  • Content analysis by frequency
    Involves counting and categorizing the frequency of specific words, phrases, or themes that appear in the content being analyzed
  • Comparative analysis
    Involves comparing the content of two or more sources to identify similarities, differences, and patterns
  • Discourse analysis
    Involves analyzing the structure and language of the content being analyzed to identify how the content constructs and represents social reality
  • Narrative analysis
    Involves analyzing the content as a narrative, identifying the plot, characters, and themes, and analyzing how they relate to the broader social context
  • Content analysis conducting guide
    1. Define your research question or objective
    2. Select your sample
    3. Develop a coding scheme
    4. Train coders
    5. Code the content
    6. Analyze the data
    7. Interpret the results
    8. Report your findings
  • Applications of content analysis
    • Media research
    • Political communication
    • Marketing research
    • Health communication
    • Education research
    • Social science research
  • Media representation of race, gender
    • A content analysis could be conducted to examine the representation of different races and genders in popular media, such as movies, TV shows, and news coverage
  • Political campaign ads

    • A content analysis could be conducted to study political campaign ads and the themes and messages used by candidates
  • Social media posts
    • A content analysis could be conducted to study social media posts related to a particular topic, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, to examine the attitudes and beliefs of social media users
  • Instructional materials
    • A content analysis could be conducted to study the representation of different topics and perspectives in educational materials, such as textbooks and curricula
  • Product reviews
    • A content analysis could be conducted to study product reviews on e-commerce websites, such as Amazon, to identify common themes and issues mentioned by consumers
  • News coverage of health issues
    • A content analysis could be conducted to study news coverage of health issues, such as vaccine hesitancy, to identify common themes and perspectives
  • Online communication
    • A content analysis could be conducted to study online communities, such as discussion forums or social media groups, to understand the language, attitudes, and beliefs of the community members
  • Purpose of content analysis
    • Describing and summarizing content
    • Identifying patterns and trends
    • Exploring meanings and interpretations
    • Testing hypotheses and theories
  • When to use content analysis
    • When you want to study media content
    • Political communication
    • Consumer attitude and behavior
    • Educational materials
    • Online communication
    • Test hypothesis and theories
  • Characteristics of content analysis
    • Objective
    • Systematic
    • Contextual
    • Iterative
    • Reliable and valid
  • Advantages of content analysis
    • Objective and systematic
    • Large sample size
    • Non-intrusive
    • Accessible data
    • Versatile
    • Cost-effective
  • Limitations of content analysis
    • Limited contextual information
    • Limited ability to capture nonverbal communication
    • Subjectivity in coding
    • Limited ability to establish causability
    • Limited generalizabity
    • Time-consuming
  • Phenomenology
    A type of research that aims to explain a phenomenon through people's experiences
  • Phenomenology
    • It is a qualitative research design that builds on the assumption that the universal essence of anything ultimately depends on how its audience experiences it
    • Researchers using this design record and analyze the beliefs, feelings, and perceptions of the audience they are studying in relation to the phenomenon they are researching
  • Examples of phenomenological research
    • Relatives of patients with fatal disease
    • Parents with children waiting for a major surgery
    • Sibling of a gifted child
    • Branding-related marketing
  • Characteristics of phenomenology
    • A focus on the audience's interpretation of an experience
    • A lack of researcher bias or prior influence
    • A descriptive emphasis on research insights
    • Connecting objectivity with lived experiences
  • Existential phenomenology
    Focused on understanding the audience's experiences through their perspective
  • Hermeneutic phenomenology
    Focused on creating meaning from the experiences through the audience's perspective
  • Data-gathering method
    • Unstructured interview
    • Observation
    • Focus group discussion (FGD)
    • Text analysis
  • Qualitative content analysis
    A research method used to analyze and interpret the characteristics of various forms of communication, such as text, images, or audio
  • Qualitative content analysis
    1. Systematically analyzing the content
    2. Identifying patterns
    3. Identifying themes
    4. Identifying relevant features
    5. Drawing inferences or conclusions based on the findings
  • Types of content analysis
    • Quantitative content analysis
    • Qualitative content analysis
  • Quantitative content analysis
    Involves the systematic and objective counting and categorization of the content of a particular form of communication, such as text or video
  • Quantitative content analysis
    The data obtained is then subjected to statistical analysis to identify patterns, trends, and relationships between different variables