Methadone - a controlled and safe way to ween people of heroin
Reduces addiction which reduces criminal behaviours like utilitarian crimes
Stilbestrol - female hormone that supresses the effects of testosterone in sex offenders
Chemical castration decreases sexual urges which then reduces sexual offence crimes
Antabuse - prevents breakdown of alcohol and makes people feel ill if they do drink
Reduces alcohol consumption --> reduces crime
50% of violent crimes are due to alcohol abuse
80% of violent crime are due to domestic abuse
Limitations of drug treatments -
Side effects - sickness (Antabuse) and addiction (methadone)
The bad thing about Antabuse is that it can cause sickness which means people are less likely to take it therefore there will still be drug problems.
Methadone can cause addiction which makes it hard for people to come off it and is dangerous. If they come off it they might want to start taking drugs again
Limitations of drug treatments -
Not guaranteed - no alcohol
People who have had treatment for drugs and alcohol have no certainty that they will never drink or do drugs again or that it will even work on them.
Limitations of drug treatments -
Doesn’t change any other factors
It does not change factors like socio-economic situations. They don’t take into account money, so people may still commit crimes and do drugs as they might not have enough money