hemelytra - their wings are composed of two pairs; one is with harder consistency.
reduviidae - this type of hemipteran do not feed on plants.
cimicidae - this type of hemipteran do feed on plants.
predacious reduviids - inflict painful bites.
parasitic reduviids - inflict painless bites.
assassin bugs - an example of predacious reduviids.
kissing bugs - an example of parasitic reduviids.
cimicids - this type of hemipteran does also inflict painless bites like kissing bugs.
bedbugs - bites cause little reaction in some persons, whereas in others they cause considerable inflammation as a result of allergic reactions to the –'s saliva.
hemoglobin - the annoyance may disturb sleep, and persistent feeding of the bug may reduce a person's – count significantly.
at least 18 months - life span of bedbugs.
paramere - a male copulatory appendage which curves strongly to the left.
aedegus - penis.
paragenital sinus - a notch near the right side of the posterior border of the female's fifth abdominal sternite. This is where the paramere enters.
spermalege - this is a pocket found in female bedbug which receives sperms during copulation and from which they emerge into the hemocoele and make their way to the oviducts.
seminal conceptacles - analogous to spermatheca.
blood meal - is necessary before males mate the females then oviposition.
cimicids - are reddish brown up to about 8mm long.
5-10 - they stay on their host only for – minutes for feeding.
cimex lectularius - common bedbugs, attacks mammals and poultry + humans.
poultry - cimicides causes severe irritation and anemia in –.
man - cimicides causes allergy, asthma, insomia, nervousness in –.
pasteurella - plaque.
virus - leprosy.
l.donovani - kala-azar.
ricketssia - relapsing fever.
leptospira - leptospirosis.
sialomes - bedbug saliva contains protein called – with an anesthetic property to numb the pain associated with the bite.
posterior station transmission - after a blood meal, they defecate and usually turn around in such a way that its feces fall on or near the wound bite, thus providing possibility of disease transmission.
assassin bugs - most reduviids are predators on other insects and so they are called as what?
cone-nosed bugs - their head is cone shape and wings are well developed.
triatominae - sub family of reduviidae.
trypanosoma cruzi - triatominae are vectors of what parasite?
chaga's disease - trypanosoma cruzi causes what disease?
kissing bugs - their bite to their host is unnoticed and they often bite the lips of the sleeping person and so they are called the what?